Просмотр полной версии : I know, I know what silly to wait for something from occurrings by means of the Internet. But sejcha...

06.08.2004, 11:05
I know, I know what silly to wait for something from occurrings by means of the Internet. But has now come back home... And so it is bad, that probably I shall get drunk. Such simpotichnyj, have met, have drunk or cut on martini, and he has left. I know, silly to wait for love at first sight, but I so am tired without love (not without sex, alas), that when such occurring comes to an end anything it seemed what is it last chance. Everything, has gone to cry...

07.08.2004, 04:25
Not, well wait... Who so to cry goes, my God you mine). You to me tell or say, and why you think, what the love of this or thus nice which has faded is necessary to you, having drunk martini? Can, he alik-to him glavnoe-martini to drink?))))))

07.08.2004, 17:00
It is not necessary to cry. To you not 100 years, what so are pessimistic? Sit with us girls, be uttered. The Herring is able to listen to madam, I too, OK?

08.08.2004, 13:54
He, what so has liked you? Can, he thinks, that you are too good for it or him. It is better to leave at once if do not like each other, then will be much more bolee. Regard it as successful opyt-you became even cleverer, especially martini have treated.

10.08.2004, 00:01
NNN, I to you shall tell or say, they in general such pridurkami happen! And we it is not better. I when only have entered institut-right after shkoly-that the first year even cosmetics yet polzovalas-to tell the truth, to me laziness was for this purpose earlier to rise... But I not about it or this...-th was similar on mol) And we had parnishka-voobshche-that he the arab, but mum at it or him russkaja-he light was, fair-haired) Well parnishka-to see and to not live. And I even did not begin to do or make any movements, even bypassed it or him specially. And a course on the third when already all srodnilis, he has called to me kak-that, and has told or said, that wishes to tell to me as I liked him on the first course, but he was afraid to approach or suit. Also has asked, whether I shall agree with it or him;them to meet... .a I for that moment prepared for wedding) Here so. Two idiots) very much often such happens.

10.08.2004, 04:25
Spasib, certainly all:) but has had a good cry and it became easier. I know silly to cry, but sometimes sensation of time leaving as sand through fingers. .vyzyvaet such horror, that everyone the man met seems to the last. .brrr yes to me not 100 and 24.. I try to look positively I all I try... But sechjchas. .vse again to crying...