Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. It would be desirable to receive from you advice or council. At me the husband a course...

09.08.2004, 09:06
Hello, the doctor. It would be desirable to receive from you advice or council. At me the husband goes to the sea, t. e. Some months he at home, then 3 4 months in the sea. When we met it or him, but would not live together like all was normal. But now for me it simply horror. Any vicious circle turns out, only we get used to each other after separation as he again leaves in the sea. At us very much close relations, I always can raschityvat on its or his support and care and consequently when it or him is not present to me at all with whom will share the problems. Girlfriends it not that, with parents at me not such attitudes or relations. I very sociable person, but - hardly can trust the present to that that of the friends. Here also it turns out married without the husband. And, still, I began to notice, that after tears iz-for partings I as am am chopped off also by me next day wake up without emotion, as the robot. I speak myself, what is it its or his job, that he me likes, that all this money for me, but it does not help or assist. What it is necessary to do or make, how is high-grade to live?

Bobrov A.E.
10.08.2004, 01:12
At wives of seamen similar statuses - not a rarity. Kto-someone gets used, someone gets divorced, someone compels or forces husbands to change job. If are measured or going to reconcile to its or his job, probably, the help of the psychotherapist is required to you. In such cases excessive psychological dependence on the partner, reproducing children's experiences (especially if it was necessary to leave in the childhood parents) often is formed. Own social activity and a finding helps or assists With the most general or common case of " own face ".