Просмотр полной версии : I shall try to tell about the situation with humour, though cheerful there certainly...

31.07.2004, 07:08
I shall try to tell about the situation with humour, though cheerful there certainly a little. On second of April has managed me to ring out in hospital with appendetsitom. This very day to me it or him also cut out, but the most interesting, that together with the given process my young surgeon ottjapal at me polovinku hearts, and I so suspect, till now gde-that pickles it or her.:))))) events did not develop so promptly, as in a serial " First aid ". First there were simply views, then they became very steadfast, then there were mutual smiles, then smiles all became wider, we already stirred or chattered, as old friends, walked on hospital corridors Then me have written out. To say goodbye plainly we were not in time as it or him have urgently called on operation
I was very much excruciated, experienced, cried - felt, that have lost person dear or expensive to me. But it proceeded not longly.
My girlfriends have told or said, what is it - destiny when in a week I have got on hide in the same hospital, akkurat on the same koechku and besides to the doctor. At me complications though all personnel (which always in a course of all) pinned up me have begun, that I have become bored or have missed on the doctor, therefore and have returned.
Our attitudes or relations send or have passed to a stage polunamekov and derzhanija drug-the friend for arms or hand.
Then there were awkward embraces .v day of my extract - the first kiss. Then, when I have come behind documents, we did not have nearly a sex on a service ladder
I have enough become friends with sisters who have told, that for all history of their job there he did not twist with anybody novels - hence it for it or him not constant "practice".
But! Not all was so sladenko. Dima (so his name is) differed neobjazatelnostju - without ceremony could promise and not make. It for me was it is no wonder, during one time when I took a great interest or was fond in an astrology, has understood, that muzhchina-the twin is an easy or a light; a mild spring breeze. He can go to bear or take out dust and to return in 2 days And for it or him it is normal! I have made a decision, that I shall simply accept all its or his these disadvantages. Especially advantages there too a heap!!!
But the most awful - he does not call to me!!! After an extract has passed or has taken place weeks two and me very much, it is very bad without it or him! I try to find replacement to him in shops, among handbags, shoes and spirits I eat a heap of chocolate, constantly I meet my liked friends,
I try to find a mention about itself in a network, to read through it or him on pages of books, to see familiar, such liked eyes in crowd on men, I look only with the purpose of an identification he - not he .
Most likely we shall not be together, because when I in our last occurring I tried to talk to it or him about gravity of our attitudes or relations he has started to tickle my cheeks the eyelashes (!!!), and in conversation has passed on tsvetochki-babchki.
To the boy, actually it was necessary to work in KGB-simply find for the spy. In the extremity or end I have not sustained and have asked straight - Really I do not like you?!!!! On what Dima, shy, silently so has told or said: absolutely on the contrary I have told or said: it is a pity any more we shall meet .no nevertheless he me has assured, that we still shall meet. Dalshe-you know.
HOW to me IT or HIM TO FORGET??? I already and made the list of its or his disadvantages, and mind or wit I understand, that it is necessary to make it for own blessing. Prompt please, can eat even any ways? But unfortunately variants - simply think about itself operate or work.
Thanks everyone who " has looked through " my sincere striptease to the extremity or end!

01.08.2004, 14:01
To forget about all these horoscopes. You think a sober head - really all people on all ground have absolutely identical character only from that that they were born in current certain ex-ex weeks in a year? vnezavisimosti from that, Russian they, Chineses or Spaniards or the Australian natives?

Nonsenses of all this. Well happen rassejanye and constraining people... Here a lot of patience is necessary.

The anonym
02.08.2004, 03:53
Da-aaaa! You were already plaintively cried to us in this occasion. Well where you saw gravity otnoshej with the surgeon, in fact at it or him such as you vidimo-are invisible. It is a pity, but it is necessary to translate a finger on another Dimu.

02.08.2004, 18:43
Remind the butcher of oath Gippokrata

04.08.2004, 09:12
Hey, not a dinosaur, you greetings from the aunt, be not rude during sincere streptiza, and that kajf you will break. spets, happen similar... In general, especially twins (julchik, congratulate it or him happy birthday be fast should). By the way, iz-for changeable character of twins they are easy or light for manipulating. Simply vozmi the initiative in the arms or hand, in fact in hospital it is possible to come and not only as the patient but also as the visitor,))) do not quail, podnadavi, he only and waits for it or this... The last couple of months, by your first complaints here,)))

04.08.2004, 12:30
To a word - the striptease is written through "and"

04.08.2004, 18:29
Well, excuse, for me tongue was always nonnative what he would not be though Russian though Romanian, German, Ukrainian, Georgian, arzebajdzhanskim, turkish, English, frantsuzkim, yes what is it I, all you will not list..,))))))

05.08.2004, 07:32
This fleeting feeling, and it will end, all will pass as quickly as well as has begun. Believe. Soon you recollect with a smile, on own experience is checked up.

06.08.2004, 20:02
All surgeons ladies' men. They have got used to have a good time with nurses and very young praktikantochkami (and with patients too!) in ordinatorskoj during night watches. We know, we know, much at me familiar surgeons, heard their stories.

07.08.2004, 21:47
If your surgeon has seriously taken a great interest - anywhere you from it or him would not get to or not share: both would call, and came on a visit and t. Item do not build illusions and do not give out desirable for valid!

The anonym
09.08.2004, 02:45
The surgeon on a sort of service with all is equally careful, well and the girl has taken it in all good faith on otnoshneiju to her. JULECHKA, you a find for SURGEONS!

09.08.2004, 16:51