Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear doctor and the others! At me a question foolish, but ochen...

(Their) clown
08.08.2004, 02:15
Hello, the dear doctor and the others! At me a question foolish, but very important for me. Talking yesterday with the husband, each of us has presented the image how prompts our internal feeling. I am a clown costing or standing on the area. At the clown (at me) the face always expresses that he feels at present (pleasure, surprise, grief, alarm). The clown has many multi-coloured globules, he distributes to their people simply so, and he lives smiles of people, especially children. Globules it is not known whence appear, t. e. They always are. My husband represents itself the chicken in a cell. The cell stands up for the serious, slightly slightly opened door, the chicken observes of all event. Carries eggs, these eggs take away, including I. The husband in my representation: the clown costing or standing on the area () sometimes behind sees a shadow, he is afraid of it or her, t. To. This shadow of the important state person which observes of the clown knows, that, criticizes it or him. When the shadow disappears - to the clown easier. My husband (chicken) sees me in the imagination as the free happy athlete on the area, about such what were on parades during Soviet time. The chicken in a cell observes of the athlete who does not know and does not wish to know, that he can normally exist owing to those eggs which are carried by the chicken. When I have asked, that becomes with the chicken if the clown with the globules will disappear from the area, he has told or said, that becomes sadly, boringly, all will become gray, will lose sense and will gradually collapse. And me (to the clown on the area), it becomes easier, if the shadow will disappear or the person, whose shadow sometimes appears, will approach or suit to me and will meet on friendly. And here the chicken to me (clown) was to be set free and if she has flied up, I would be glad, even if she would depart from me if only it was happy and never did not sit any more in a cell. When I have asked, when the husband has started itself to feel as the chicken in a cell, he has told or said in the beginning, that several years ago, has then thought and has added: " Probably all taki since the childhood ". I too, probably, since the childhood of so feel. Very much I ask to comment here on this all. How to me, the clown with the globules, costing or standing on the area to build attitudes or relations with observing nesushkoj in a cell??????? In advance thanks.

Kiseleva E.J.
09.08.2004, 04:39
Hello! Basically that you have described is used in igraterapii, or in psihodramme when the person as though splits itself on set of the persons. As a matter of fact, your husband frames this cell for itself only because to him so conveniently, he in her feels zashcheshchennym. It is possible to look or see at it and on the other hand, a cell are those restrictions which puts not only your husband, but, probably, restrictions of parents. The main thing to pull out the chicken from this cell. But, if, I shall repeat, the husband in her sits, means it or him arranges. That fact, that the husband predstvavljaet itself kuritsej-nesushkoj, instead of the cock is still indicative. e. The female beginning. You the clown - the man which gives all globules. From here such question? How at you I develop sex attitudes or relations? Who dominates over these attitudes or relations? Here there can be useful an exercise on the contrary. If you so easily represent yourselves in these roles try to change over and tell the histories, oshchushchshchenija, that the second is pleasant in a new image that is not pleasant that stirs or prevents, etc. As to a shadow it, it is possible to assume, your I which you are afraid. But it only my assumptions. If to speak and alegorichnoj to the form the best outcome would be if the clown has let out or has released the chicken from a cell, would collect huge quantity or amount of globules together to fly up with the free chicken and to depart to the far country where they could take pleasure in freedom.