Просмотр полной версии : Friends, prompt, what to me to do or make? The guy of my best podr solicits me...

27.07.2004, 13:10
Friends, prompt, what to me to do or make? The guy of my best girlfriend if earlier I despised it or him now simply I HATE solicits me!!! I prigrazila to him, that shall tell all to Masha, and this reptile only grins, because knows, how she to me is dear or expensive. Mashka that I badly concern to its or her groom takes offence, I do not come to her, when he at it or her on a visit. Feels mine to it or him;them animosities and does not understand why. And to tell to her I am afraid, suddenly I shall lose it or her!.. She is very vulnerable. Give advice or council how otshit from this goat and to not lose the girlfriend? In advance all I thank.

30.07.2004, 04:58
What can be easier? Send it or him on three letters, and in the extremity or end still dobav-kazel:)

31.07.2004, 18:21
And I would tell all to the girlfriend. Has opened, so to say, eyes on this dog. Mozh you it or this will rescue or save it or her from such? And more on its or his muzzle, on a muzzle...

01.08.2004, 02:49
Time he its or her groom, means at it or her any feelings to it or him;them is, and it means!!! That she will believe to him, instead of you. He in the justification to your story will tell or say, that you tempted it or him, and for the sake of ee-Mashas he you otshil and you now hate it or him and are angry + revenge such by. Enamoured zhenshchina will believe to him!!! Unfortunately....

04.08.2004, 07:54
I taki to the girlfriend would believe all, well even was guarded and has looked narrowly at it or him;them.

07.08.2004, 02:02
There is and more a pair ways. For example, to come to her with the a pier. ch-that. And, if suddenly will continue nevertheless, tell or say, that will tell or say to the MCH, that to you stick, and this kozlik on a muzzle will receive. And it is even better, if polduchit without preventions or warnings. However, then Masha uzanet, but it and to the best. Can, will throw this goat. Esili at you sejcha is not present liked or tell or say, that will complain drugu-to the sportsman, or the brother. It is possible still its or his stickings on a dictophone to write down. Still it is possible it or him in case of stickings or paints, either a varnish, or glue to pour, osoenno if to him to Masha then to go. Let poizvorachivaetsja!

08.08.2004, 08:45
It agree with Is more scarlet or Redden. The girlfriend poerit to him, instead of you. THAT is very sad. Though, I had such situation: the husband stuck to the girlfriend, and she from the experience was silent (once such was in its or her expert so she has appeared is guilty). And hardly later to me the occasion was necessary to leave (has met the first love at which vche feelings were saved), she all and has told. Whether it is necessary to speak, that to me on an arm or a hand during this moment there was its or her recognition. The husband very much was malicious, swore and called the girlfriend: I and knew that this stinker will spill the beans during the unnecessary moment!! UNDER its or his version, he saw, that I otdalajus and have decided to play such performance, thinking that the girlfriend there and then all will be told also by me for it or him shall struggle. VO-the first, I have not believed, in the second, to struggle I did not become. So my advice or council: it is necessary to tell such things when it really in time. Ngaprimer when your girlfriend herself will start to doubt of decency of the young man, here to her and to tell or say. For now at it or her good relations - will not help or assist, only the girlfriend will lose. Success!