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04.07.2004, 10:42
I again on a subject, well, naturally, on the !) at me at job nachalnitsa last 6 years has the lover, and is more senior than it or her years on 14. And so, a surprising thing: before at it or her were naprjagi with the husband, often swore, on job she came smurnaja, something anxious. As soon as she began to meet the lover, it or her as though have changed! She all rastsvela, has got prettier, and with the husband attitudes or relations were adjusted. Now she such happy or enough all from itself! And I have noticed, that since began to communicate on the Internet on different... Sometimes delicate topics (not here!), I began - to another to feel myself, and the husband already with interest looks... But only kak-that its or his interest is not so necessary to me, does not get or start already! Excuse for a little bit chaotic message - ideas skip, to not keep up!)

05.07.2004, 08:06
nesmejan, and usually and happens, when that that ooochen would be desirable and necessary to wait longly, having received IT, it already alas does not please. And the lover, - to mine, will not encourage such woman as you, you then conscience zagryzyot. But that shifts positive "prokljunulis" it heats that:)) Udachki!

05.07.2004, 14:01
Thanks, JUlka, you always in me believed!) and with conscience... Can, it will be possible to me kak-that with her to agree)

05.07.2004, 18:30
nesmejana... It is twice two. I to you shall tell or say, in the first, on the experience. .levak who strengthens brak-to you hosh will tell or say. In the second. I do not know, how misters will concern to it or this good visitors konfy, but me personally since the childhood brought up - well, is not direct govorili-give supposedly walk)) - but in such bed or channel, that if business it skillfully to do or make, yes with polzoj-physical, moral or even karernoj-that it zavsegda to the woman only in pluss, not important, how old is she and whether married she. nesmejana, me so brought up how much I itself I remember. And you have just now understood)) Well, at you the daughter is... You will know now what should be a general line of a party or set))

07.07.2004, 07:28
Herring, what we with you different! I can be only with someone one! I can not conduct a double life. It will turn out here polovinka and there polovinka!

08.07.2004, 04:44
JUlka, anything it or her not zagryzet. Believe, she will be surprised then sebe-any flours or torments of conscience! I promise! On the contrary, you know, how in that joke when the schoolgirl comes home at daybreak, and on a question - where byla-twists shorts on a finger and speaks " I do not know, how it is called, but now it is a hobby for all life ". I do not joke. And I too kogda-that the first time have changed It or Him Rasperevelichestvu to the Lawful Spouse. And was vremja-did not change. So...

08.07.2004, 20:32
nesmejana, I too cannot be at once with two. With one at me everything, with another I pour. .i so there will be vsegda-from a two or there, even bolshe-muzhchin-only one bolee-less ""... And that. .ne so to not go on the left. Ljubovnik-yes, it is good. But have in vidu-it dessert. No more.

10.07.2004, 03:28
Ljubovnik-dangerous enough way to raise or increase a self-rating. All can will end not as was planned. The woman should be the good stinker that all to settle imperceptibly.

11.07.2004, 10:28
nesmejan, actually the problem at all in how on it to be solved and that from this then will turn out. The problem what to find for simple so someone - not a problem, and here if you your husband with whom - your choice by and large does not arrange completely so QUALITATIVE as grit the Herring "LEVAKA" in general to find it is practically impossible. e. Well, something you poluchishch and if brought up you as " enjoy life to the full, crossing through other " - it will be normal to you, and if you want COMPLETENESS of satisfaction of the inquiries (not only sex) if in you there is any not clear languor - that certainly the adventure will be time or temporary and even if will bring brief satisfaction. That then you all the same will come to an initial point - " something to me of all it or this a little ". And if it is valid the half you will meet - at once you will understand also all questions will disappear.

12.07.2004, 09:00
Than the muzhik differs from the same woman zasidevshy!? That he "blossoms" even after the most left woman))

13.07.2004, 09:36
Huch, here so at times you look - the muzhik has blossomed neither from that nor from this - at once understand: "Sat up":)))))))

14.07.2004, 21:37
Well you have just understood it. .teper you awake the nobility)))

15.07.2004, 00:18
So such sat up around - mass. More correctly when the muzhik blossoming on a life in general. And the woman - it is pleasant, even which left:)

16.07.2004, 11:57
) It is necessary to try to be such, in fact now a lot of interesting not women dependent on men.)
They do not deserve the worst)

16.07.2004, 20:09
Huch, women - on DESERVE, they CHOOSE!

16.07.2004, 22:03
Choose... When there is no a competition)))

18.07.2004, 03:49
It is other subject. Here 2 edges or territories: From the Herring which uses than wants, up to poor lady from remote places at which and ideas are not present about something. But besides - each of them, let alone those who between - chooses. BUT!!! Choose NOT from some "sat up". And - as to her to live.

19.07.2004, 07:34
Kukochka, thanks, you are direct as I!) and more, you yesterday asked, why it will be difficult to husband to find to yourself someone... No, he not old... And however, can we on soap we shall communicate? Has bothered here all to load, especially they hundred times heard my history!)

19.07.2004, 19:26
nesmejana, you for the husband not volnujsja-at money of the wife very quickly nahodjat-it or him and to search for men is not necessary.

20.07.2004, 11:20
nesmejan, about age - I joked:)))
You want soap - lanet@mail. ru
Constantly visju in working hours, from the house - from time to time:)))
Yes do not long, all will turn out:)))
While, me expel from pautinki! See you.

21.07.2004, 06:26
Cook. Such as she, on a market puchyok 10 copecks))

22.07.2004, 14:27
Little girls, I wish to make the amendment. I try to take something good from a life and from men, but also it is possible to me far not always that was how I would like and that I was glad to that has received. Or that has turned out. Will tell or say more correctly. I simply understand, that without that that " a muzzle in a mud " - will not live. And if it or this to be afraid, then can and it will be possible to avoid it or this, yes too you will not live, and you will exist. prosto-as - to another... Tell or say to me, it can will an output or exit) So chto-differently happens. Happens and that " Akela has missed "))))

23.07.2004, 23:39
Huch, and such as... zavsegda on 3 imozhno, but very small:))) the Herring, business in fact not in how it has turned out, and behind what interest to go. Well here about education you always in such key... My girlfriend so brings up a daughter - you if is chyo from entogo the boy to take. You it or him not bortani look, at itself hold, on chto-a string sgoditsa, and more such, shtob the choice was. And I kak-more maksimalistski the always learned or taught that - if chel it is not necessary friendship - look. Whether it is necessary to you to be friends with such, to yourself you will not believe. Result: At mine 2 years klasnyj the boy, not razlejvoda, and on discos often runs it or her, but ANYBODY NEVER sees off it or her, though the little girl modelling. My quiet such, and they be all considers or counts something in mind or wit:)))

25.07.2004, 10:03
And I now also do not know the how to bring up... Now all in doubts where here a correct line of conduct with a daughter to develop or produce)

26.07.2004, 11:16
nesmejan, the girl should be liked, convinced that she beautiful, the most good to raise or increase its or her self-rating, but not for that. That someone has then got, and that she knew that out of competition then she and will CHOOSE, instead of TO DESERVE someone. Here it is a pity. I with it or this was late:))) In my education there was hardly other line of a party or set:))) That now itself also I overcome:) While - theoretically:) (concerning myself) but by way of education of the daughter - I see very much a positive take.:)