Просмотр полной версии : Explain please, that such asthenic defect as with it or him;them to struggle and in...

06.08.2004, 13:36
Explain please, what such asthenic defect how with it or him;them to struggle and in what consists a family psychotherapy at a schizophrenia?

Pronin D.A.
08.08.2004, 01:43
Probably, you have in view of emotsionalno-strong-willed defect at sick of a schizophrenia. It is inevitable result, in most cases, long morbid sotojanija. At patients not memory and intelligence, and emotions, thinking and will first of all suffers. This three components will disorganize, dezadaptirujut the person, exclude (in full or in part) it or him from an active social life. To struggle with an irreversible status it is senseless. It is possible partly to try to correct or adjust it or him medikamentozno and sincere family participation, dividing or sharing;parting sufferings of the relatives. For deeper comprehension of a sincere status of the sick person, its or his experiences you can familiarize with book Rebekki Vullis " If you relatives suffers sincere illness or disease " and E.Fuller Torri "Schizophrenia".