Просмотр полной версии : I had a problem with the girl?.? I shall begin hardly from apart. My name is Eves...

25.07.2004, 23:58
I had a problem with the girl?.? I shall begin hardly from apart. My name is Evgenie 25 years, her name is Alain 22 years, has met her on October, 30th, 2001? In that put I was a little drunk, went home was already gde-that 21.30? .prohodja on underground transition, I see alone there is a beautiful girl?? Has approached or suited has met?.. Also it was incured?. (would be sober has not approached or suited t. To. Very much stestnitelnyj also I suffer iz-for it or this?.) Have met, have sat in cafe t. To. There was very much late I have invited it or her to myself home. She has agreed?.. Further we every day have started more and more and to learn or find out more about each other?.? She has appeared from Lipetsk area, has arrived to act to Moscow, has not acted or arrived, and how it often at us in Moscow happens to visitors girls of an early age she has got not to those people and began to work as the prostitute, have taken away the passport that has not run away?.? .kak later she to me has then told she that evening waited for the client? .ne has waited? To that do I am very glad? gde-that approximately in a week I have pulled out it or her therefrom?. (if it is possible so to say) simply has not started up it or her on the next occurring, having told or said that?.. She has more shortly liked me? .i approximately in a month we with her have left to do or make home to her the new passport? .zhili at it or her about one and a half month yet will not make documents? .mama it or her to me onosilas ochn it is good, native all accepted as for the ? All was by way of?. . Spoke that likes, have collected its or her things and have come back home to Moscow, we live at my parents? (have allocated a room)?? I have found to her job in TTS Moscow that in Ljublino?? The seller of toys? .sam has found job?.. I work all for us by was? .tut as that I come to her on job I look it or her on a place is not present?.. Smokes in cafe with the next seller of video of cartridges?.. Has approached or suited, has greeted?.. He has not liked me, looks at it or her devouring view?? Here he has suggested us to go with it or him on pik-nik to park in the evening? .on, I, and Alenka?.. At me was bad predchustvie? .ja was afraid of it or her to lose?.. Has called Alenku and has told or said that I am afraid, what he otnimit You at Me?.. She has told or said that I did not worry?.. I have believed? .no there was all as I and spoke her? I during rest have departed on need? .prihozhu sit in obnimku?? I have flown into a rage certainly? But to beat nestal?.. neumeju I to fight?.. Another would kill likely? .ja it was simply developed or unwrapped and has left?. . Has passed or Has taken place here already almost one and a half week, and from it or her not the answer, greetings?.. How to me to be and what to do or make in this situation? I very strongly like it or her and I do not wish to lose. Help or assist.

Yours faithfully Evgenie

P. S. That that many questions do not pay attention... The clipboard badly works.: (

The censor
26.07.2004, 11:28
Bl. .-she and in Africa bl.. Instead of she calls to you because at it or her now very well. Will be ploho-will appear. The fish searches where more deeply, and baba-where lave it is more. Z.Y.Esli the prostitute stanovjatsja-it on all zhist.

To the a?O???y-censor
26.07.2004, 15:04
You on women flanks do not roll. Among muzhiks too prostitutes suffice. And in the rest I agree.

The fright
27.07.2004, 19:59
Evgenie, you catch at it or her, as for solominku. It seems to you, that as with her to you with anybody it will not be more good, and you any more will not grow fond of anybody. But it not so, fortunately. Fault to such opinion your modesty and shyness. How much or As far as I have understood, Alain the first girl from whom at you the novel was fastened. The first, but not last. You ssudja on all very kind, gentle, careful guy. Dream of any girl. I do not joke. And this you at all does not like Alain. Used also all. I know, what is it it is unpleasant to hear, but, unfortunately, it so. If liked, would not began even to look at somebody except for you.
You need to respect more with itself, to raise or increase a self-rating and to understand one obvious veshch-she you does not deserve. Can be very grandiloquently told or said, but vse-taki. In general, here much that it is possible to tell or say. But the main thing, do not go in cycles in her! There Are girls who wait, also are modest and constraining, and probably any more do not believe in the happiness. One of them yours) Success!)

28.07.2004, 10:29
That here podelaesh-it is the fact. And on the bill of muzhiks, I shall not argue too.

29.07.2004, 18:49
It completely agree with the Fright!

The novel
30.07.2004, 02:18
Dear Evgenie, Never is more with her communicate, your happiness that there are no children, you are still very young also all life ahead. At me a similar case, on the still more many good women.

Well here
31.07.2004, 04:45
The censor of the rights... And such with. ka still toys sells (((horror silent simply... Arms or hand them undertakes... ffffuuu!

31.07.2004, 15:33
To the fright: there is no she not the first... 5 if it is fair (somethings ephemeral in bed I do not consider or I count though them and not too much...), all me threw without what or explanations... I all time kept up to the last... It is tired that here so all time throw... And in fact I spoke (Alain) that not such... I did not wish to believe, yes to heart will not order...
I almost month as do not see it or her, and still every day I wait... I do not wish it or her to lose. Well how much this all * alovo can prodalzhatsja? How much it is possible to suffer or bear? I am tired to be all time one...
Forgive or Excuse if that...

31.07.2004, 23:37
vo-the first not one, and alone with smaller bratom-the Siamese twin (at it or her such is not present and it is your first plus);,) vo-the second, with prastitutkoj therefore and well everything, that job at it or her such: to do or make well that were babki, and in fourth your mum has departed and not because she is called the pilot that is why that she a dragonfly and why all of them depart, you can not dogodatsja itself, ask one of them, they will tell or say, and you do or make conclusions. The censor, you to me it stop vshej to scratch one comb at all women who pedicular and who queen, not you to judge, we judge you will not be.

02.08.2004, 05:17
The adult djadka, and still romantik))) Scratched all of one chrebenkoj and I shall scratch!!!

03.08.2004, 07:04
To All:... Yes I speak you I have pulled out it or her from this business or affairs... .ne the prostitute she... It is not necessary its or her so-called.. I ask. Lives now series with the aunt in Volokalamske but on eyes to her does not show (is afraid)... And to find there the costing or standing guy there it is difficult t. To. A becoming an inveterate drunkard city and vicinities tembolee...

The censor
04.08.2004, 03:41
That for breed of people. To him ssysh in glaza-to him all the divine dew. Well good, I shall explain. She HAS remained the PROSTITUTE. Only rashshe she delela it for money. Now maltsa has grown wiser and it or she had other priorities. And its or her act on pik-nike to that acknowledgement or confirmation. Yes you so be not upset, nobody dissuades you. Like, marry. Here only be ready, that she will run from one to another, in searches of the best samtsa, greater or big money. And zhenishsja-guzzle a calcium. Horns budut-any elk obzaviduetsja. Forgive or excuse, if that insulting has told or said.

The young woman
04.08.2004, 09:10
Marrying, and can, she simply is afraid to show to you on eyes? You would find it or her, have looked or seen, as she will react to you! There at once also you will estimate or appreciate a situation. Or you will return it or her to yourself, or you will understand, that she is not necessary your sufferings. Only in eye sights or eyes to her look, instead of on grudki magnificent and legs or pinches long! I, the truth, do not think, that she there sits, tears pours and from shame has burned down for sodejannoe... But, you never can tell?! And in general, I to you would advise to understand myself better! You here have told or said, that one is tired to be! So can, love here and at anything? Can, to be simple to you it would not be desirable one? Here also you catch at whom has got! Me on your place at once would guard, that the girl easily so has gone with you at once and even home to you! Estessno, that to her was from you to escape, you all services rendered time to her! It is the same job - sex for money! And you for it or her just the client! In this case instead of money - the new passport, job, zhilyo in Moscow! Here, has taken from you that wanted, on legs or pinches has slightly risen... And all. Here, so it seems to me... Think, it is necessary to you - with such here all life to spend? The censor to listen to you, so correct girls happen, only they rubber! Type you never to the girl-friends changed! Correct you ours!:)

tsenzor-to the Young woman
05.08.2004, 22:52
Vernye-esseno only rubber))) And on the bill of fidelity. Was earlier greshok-was correct. The truth for a long time has understood hopelessness of this employment or occupation. And you chyo hosh to tell or say, that there are correct women. So more likely pokazhi-we shall alcoholize and in a museum while who has not tempted)))

07.08.2004, 09:30
tsezoru: All we correct. Only Liking and Liked, instead of shtampiku in the passport)
ZHen, she will find also the happiness. Only itself let solves, you do not insist. Sits there with tetkoj-means to her so it is necessary for peace of mind. You everything, that can have made and do or make. Now its or her time to decide - to be afraid or jerk on an occurring to you. If to be near to you of other reasons, except for phobia at it or her is not - she means in the behaviour is not assured, forget it or her.

08.08.2004, 00:22
That so majatsja-that to be pleased it is necessary - duvushku on a way true has put. It is better to be satisfied with such kind business and to not go and to not look at it or her, that suddenly there would be no disappointment. Kohl itself not speshit-means to her so it is necessary, that to experience. They think how much obezdolennyh-that, and jealousy the bad adviser, you, probably it seems, what she there without you vanishes, and if it will appear, what is it not so? (if has responded too raspingly I am sorry)