Просмотр полной версии : Hello. I wish to address to you for the help, can you can to me pomoch...

05.08.2004, 15:41
I wish to address to you for the help, can you can help or assist me.
To me of 16 years, to my guy 24. We meet it or him nearby 5 months. I very much like it or him.
He concerns to me validly, appreciates me.
All problem in my father. He constantly inflates or fans any problem.
Was to pair or steam cases when he found us embracing in mine to a room (he it is not knocked). He has been strongly revolted or indignant softly told) or said). After that he became concerns to our attitudes or relations very much nastorozhenno.
I was in an awful status, from one only ideas, that someone wishes to prevent to our attitudes or relations with liked.
I understand, what is it was a mistake or an error, that the father has found us unawares, it was necessary to behave more cautiously, but already there's nothing to be done. I am am "got" with constant calls on mobile with questions, where I. It is necessary to speak a lie, t. To. - to another in any way.
Its or His parents well concern to me. We spend enough most part of time at it or him. But my father does not know about it or this, and if has learned or has found out, there would be an awful scandal. There was a case when my liked has arrived from job and has come for me, and then we have gone or send to it or him;them that he has changed clothes. Mum, not having thought, skazalaa about it or this to the daddy. So was! He has inflated from this goodness knows what! " To boys it is impossible to go home, etc. and t. p, yes it is indecent " and all in this spirit. And when you start to explain to him, that houses parents (that is there is nothing to be afraid) so he speaks: " And that people will think! " To me all the same that they will think, and very much they need to watch or keep up me. The father has in view of that here, then when I shall meet suddenly someone or someone else it (would not be desirable), so these people who saw how we home to my liked went, will tell to him about it or this! What horror!.. Well for delirium...
Now at it or him next navjashchevaja mysl-to talk with my liked " about its or his plans for the future ". (Me mum has told about it or this). That is he speaks, whether that he is going to to marry, and when? Speaks, that wants pogogovorit with it or him to learn or find out, that he for the person. You represent! Mum speaks, that up to to marry still far, I still do not have 18, and before 2 more years! And on-to marry??? And how to study? Then she speaks, that if to marry in 18 it to legalize attitudes or relations simply. But it is possible to be and without it or this together. He: " close relations before wedding??? Still that did not suffice! " As you understand, parents do not know about much, and the better. But that for mut-to speak about any wedding, when to me only 16! To think zachem-of that... As it has bothered me... It would be desirable, that all was easy and well, and nobody poisoned a life... And iz-for it or him the life becomes a real hell... Advise something, please... In advance thanks.

Buharov J.M.
06.08.2004, 02:03
Hello, Light! Probably, your parents adhere absolutely to traditional views on a sexual question. In this case you should solve, first of all, your young man is how much dear or expensive to you, and parents are how much dear or expensive. If roads both that, and others - it is necessary to get used to that up to the certain age to you will have to hide from parents character of yours with it or him of attitudes or relations. However, till 18 years not too longly it is necessary - to look back will not be in time.

07.08.2004, 10:06
Papashka is nervous from ignorance. If you will tell, whether you are engaged in sex, as well as how much time, and the main thing as are protected, and start to ask advice or council it or him can is better and will break an infarct, but the behaviour will be not such aggressive.