Просмотр полной версии : I had small problems in a sex life, and I have found or considered necessary turn...

01.08.2004, 23:43
I had small problems in a sex life, and I have found or considered necessary to address to widely advertised sexopathologist, vrachu-psioterapevtu, to the candidate of medical sciences Half-its or half-her Alexander Moiseevichu, he conducted transfers on radio " Hope ", and I saw it or him on the Internet on sfjte Estart. ru. More shortly, on first "consultation" sow the "respectable" doctor has suggested me to accept horizontal position, has told or said, that any prblem does not see, and why to him to not show me road to the big sex. It should me is pleasant. Here actually and all - - to mine, extremely professionally! It is More to us such! Ah yes to Alexander Moiseevichu!

03.08.2004, 05:58
Unfortunately such lzhevrachej not too a little as can seem and if you have come to such life tell about it or this not here and where nibud in state organs there to you will precisely not stick and solicit if you certainly not pamela andersen

Bobrov A.E.
04.08.2004, 02:53
Well here to tell or say? If it is the truth it is already serious. In the West for such things deprive with the diploma.

05.08.2004, 08:43
verju-the doctor so-so will damp reputation, moreover in the first reception. Or the girl has a tooth, or at dock the roof has moved down.

05.08.2004, 15:03
I had a similar case, only not with poleevym. Belief, at us only try to be a lawful state, therefore spit and forget. Doctors to doctors a difference - the same as also all the others. And with the diploma correctly deprive - what he to hell the sexopathologist and the psychotherapist if could not - good you to persuade:-)))))) Here so to it or this also concern!

05.08.2004, 16:54
I know Half-its or Half-hers very much for a long time years 10, and I know that at it or him the greatest problemy-for example he single... All that here was written by the girl believe and I confirm, that Half-its or Half-hers of it is capable

06.08.2004, 12:55
The woman to psihiatoru comes. He in doors snatches on it or her and forces. Then puts on and speaks: so, we have solved my problem, now let's borrow or occupy in yours.;-)