Просмотр полной версии : Whether I do not know it is possible to meet the married person... I almost 4 months naz...

26.07.2004, 17:41
Whether I do not know it is possible to meet the married person... I almost 4 months ago have met... To him 30, me 24. He 9 years is married, there is a child of 7 years. In general all over again our novel was simply the novel... Then he was solved and has left from the wife... 2 months at me as the happiest days in a life... I never before was not such inspired, desired, liked and enamoured... He in all arranged me - both in a life and in bed... New year have met together... He periodiseki spent the night at me and in such days, and with 31 on 7 we with it or him were not separated for a second... 7 evening he has gone to mum... As it was then found out has called in on job to the wife and has told or said, that cannot without the son, and without it or her... To Me words. Then, so it has turned out, that 2 days did not see, have then met... Descended or went on a visit, and then so it has turned out, that have a little squabbled and razoshdis on houses. Only he has gone not to mum, and to the wife.. . Its or His wife gets me the calls, and I a silly woman have hanged out ears and I listen that he speaks her and I analyze that he speaks me... I in deep depression... It or him yesterday met (itself has arrived)... Speaks, that they at the nights began to dream him and it or him has pulled. Speaks, that me likes and the choice cannot while to make... Asks to wait.. In general I do not know that to me to think further and what to do or make...

27.07.2004, 00:22
It is impossible to believe such person. And will be also to you and to the wife a head to fool. And the wife has probably understood, that you listen to that she speaks you, and will continue to keep ringing. At the best, on-simply flabby person, cannot make of the decision and in hudshem-ordinary over .oloch. He is necessary to you? Excuse for confusion, but sincerely it would be desirable, that at you was very well, and with such person hardly it to turn out.

28.07.2004, 03:17
It is impossible to believe such person. And will be also to you and to the wife a head to fool. And the wife has probably understood, that you listen to that she speaks you, and will continue to keep ringing. At the best, on-simply flabby person, cannot make of the decision and in hudshem-ordinary over .oloch. He is necessary to you? Excuse for confusion, but sincerely it would be desirable, that at you was very well, and with such person hardly it to turn out.

28.07.2004, 19:52
It is impossible to believe such person. And will be also to you and to the wife a head to fool. And the wife has probably understood, that you listen to that she speaks you, and will continue to keep ringing. At the best, on-simply flabby person, cannot make of the decision and in hudshem-ordinary over .oloch. He is necessary to you? Excuse for confusion, but sincerely it would be desirable, that at you was very well, and with such person hardly it to turn out.

30.07.2004, 08:49
I cannot understand such taktik-to call, che that to find out! guljaet-and let to themselves on all 4 parties or sides stamp! Still or even to be humiliated to call to the mistress!!!!!! Its or his wife simply d. .ura! Not the self-assured aunt!

31.07.2004, 17:16
It is impossible to be inspired the girl at the wife! And muzhi very much often goats!

01.08.2004, 03:27
To throw it or him it is necessary, unequivocally. And you of it or this do not understand that. In occasion of depression - so in this life anything so simply does not happen.

The anonym
01.08.2004, 21:28

The anonym
02.08.2004, 14:14

02.08.2004, 18:46
on-simply flabby person, cannot make of the decision and in hudshem-he really likes both, and ours dolbanoe the legislation and moral foundations + traditions do not allow him samovyrazitsja, to him on "East" treba, there polygamy welcome. It it is necessary to understand and forgive or excuse your position much more favourably than at it or him. Try to make a decision for it or him, help or assist him, SUCCESS

03.08.2004, 11:32
Not knowing your attitudes or relations of efficient advice or council to give, certainly, it is impossible. If at you the present or true feeling anywhere he from you will not get to. And if at it or him " family crisis " and t. The item will run about and will return to the wife unequivocally. And that it is better to understand that now occurs or happens to it or him, present itself on its or his place - 9 years of home life not 9 days!

04.08.2004, 16:13
And you try itself to present on a place of the wife.
9 years it are a lot of. New impressions and if cheloek slabyj-there is a mistress, and the wife all often would be desirable men learns or finds out. All this is very sick for the wife if she still likes muzha-tries to struggle for it or him.
Poor women, practically are not present normal men. In any case to the mistress it will be bad, even if he will throw family and marries her, that happens very seldom: ahead at her repetition of destiny of the first wife Think above it or this.

05.08.2004, 10:13
For a change I shall describe the situation. All is very similar, only children were not. When he has left to me, the wife has not given divorce and has tried to poison, certainly he has returned to her. Some time of veins for two houses, but here already I have got irritated, on the offer ili/or, have chosen not me, I have left work, have left for other city. Has passed or has taken place year and he has divorced, has arrived, but I have already had been ill this history and he was not so necessary to me.
Even it is surprising, still one year ago I thought what live without it or him I can not, and have passed or have taken place year and I even kiss it or him I can not - absolutely another's person.
Do not force event, try to make a pause, he can to you is not too necessary.