Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! I do not know, whether to the address of I... Few times happened or was possible, that with...

22.07.2004, 11:51
The dear doctor! I do not know, whether to the address of I... Few times happened or was possible, that after an extreme, excessive physical and emotional overstrain or overvoltage I can having fallen asleep, to rise (I can not finally wake up thus, at all I do not remember, how I rise) and in a somnolence kuda-that to leave, thus I go not absolutely naoshchup - like and I see, only is assured thus, what is it a dream though then it appears, that images were real. Thus once went in a dream hour if it is no more, gradually waking up... And then suddenly sharply I wake up in a unfamiliar place (it was on the nature). Last time it was year two or three back, since then done not happen or was not possible, but there were no also cases of the same strong overstrain or overvoltage. Whether there is an occasion for trouble? Whether speaks it about any organic disturbances or the similar lunacy is connected only with features of mentality at an overstrain or overvoltage? In the rest I absolutely normal person, never was any problems. For a year before it happens first time, has got in failure or accident and has strongly hit a head though brain concussions were not - can, iz-for it or this? And in general, to what to me to the doctor to address, if it is necessary?

The psychiatrist
23.07.2004, 00:38
To sozheleniju Tanja, it is treated in a hospital

24.07.2004, 05:22
Can, vsyo-taki the doctor will respond, and? I ask, not where to me to be treated, and whether to forget to me in general about it or this (it is a case old) or all it is necessary to address kuda-that for consultation.

The anonym
25.07.2004, 03:43
Tanja, do not listen to this silly woman manku., wait for Pronin or Toloknina.

25.07.2004, 11:23
Sick has returned:) the Obvious psychopath prisleduemyvj what that Manej. Descend or go to psihiatoru there to you will help or assist

The anonym
26.07.2004, 01:19
For the beginning make EEG and KT a brain to exclude an organic lesion. Understand, what there is nothing happens to nothing.

26.07.2004, 11:09
And from what in general there is a lunacy? Accompanies what diseases? And whether happens in itself without these or it and passes or takes place in itself? At me it was hundred years ago and that at excessive weariness, extreme overwork, already on a limit of forces. I never in a life in any such institutions addressed, and in a sort no schizophrenics, loonies or lunatics existing. I do not want, that me it is simple so in shiziki have written down, can also an occasion is not present to address? The dear doctor, well respond, please, though to something...

The anonym
27.07.2004, 08:36
Schizophrenics, loonies and lunatics are worse than nothing than us. More correctly, you nothing is better than them. All we under the God go.

28.07.2004, 22:00
Now I shall begin to cry or shall pay, well I shall simply begin to sob... Where g-n Pronin? Why full ignor??? Or at me already last stage what even to respond there is already nothing? The Nightmare! I shall not write here Any more...: - (

29.07.2004, 06:47
Tanja, spit on this or thus bad marusku and wait the answer of the doctor.

The anonym
30.07.2004, 21:31
Sick has returned:) the Obvious psychopath prisleduemyvj what that Manej. Descend or go to psihiatoru there to you will help or assist

01.08.2004, 13:16
First it is necessary to address to the neurologist, and then as it will turn out...

02.08.2004, 06:12
Vitalja, on you the psychiatrist for a long time cries: - (

Too tanja
03.08.2004, 18:16
Tanechka, doctors in holidays, calm down, actually, as to you here advised, pass or take place inspection, make entsefallogrammu a brain, consequences from a trauma can be different, the most terrible - a tumour of a brain, do not hesitate, address to the doctor internally.

Tanja present or true
05.08.2004, 08:18
To tell the truth, I already for a long time have calmed down, and if someone under mine anybody writes nonsenses I am sorry, it not I.:-)