Просмотр полной версии : Mogut li psixologicheskiye problemi, stress, depressiya mechat zachatiyu. P...

04.08.2004, 01:27
Mogut li psixologicheskiye problemi, stress, depressiya mechat zachatiyu. Problema v tom chto proshla polnoye obsledovaniye i nichego ne nashli ni u menya ni u nego, mi ochen daje i sovmestimi..
No v chem je delo, u menya posledniy god bilo ochen mnogo problem (operaciya, stressi, depressiya, k tomu je ya zaciklena na etoy probleme i kajuyu minutu dumayu ob etom) Otvette mne pojaluysta na moy vopros. Spasibo.

Granina S.J.
05.08.2004, 02:08
Karina! The psychological status very much influences genital function of the woman. Try to distract from sad ideas, go in for sports, go in basejn, leave on the nature. When your organism will be ready to a maternity, all will occur or happen by itself. Only do not perceive my advice or council as a medicine, do or make all with pleasure. Success!