Просмотр полной версии : I recently had a gravity in the field of heart, a terrible boring, nervoznos...

01.08.2004, 21:41
I recently had a gravity in the field of heart, a terrible boring, nervousness. Heart has appeared neprichem, I think it a neurosis. I married behind a toper, sit with 2 years or summer the son of the house. The husband when drunk malicious, agnressivnyj. The normal woman probably for a long time is already cunning, and I am afraid. On the one hand I wish to leave, that over me did not scoff any more, did not humiliate, did not force. And on the other hand (whether I know love it) I can not live without it or him, without it or him seems all is empty, as though all loses sense, terribly painfully, it would be desirable that he this minute has appeared series. I so cannot live, but there live so 4 years. How to me to cope with it or this?

Tolokonin A.O.
02.08.2004, 01:25
Dear Alja!
For this purpose it is necessary rasskryt the true reasons of an event in your subconscious mind. Then the output or exit from a situation will be clear. If live in Moscow, to enter the name to me on reception it is possible by phone: 367 69 08 (09) mediko-the psychological center Family + or if wish to cause or call on the house or office, write on E-Mail: tolokonin@mtu-net. ru

Hazhilina I.I.
04.08.2004, 21:08
Dear Alja! That you describe, unfortunately does not concern love. And is called as a word so-dependence. So-zavisimye-it those people, which lives became uncontrollable as a result of close mutual relations with a toper. Sozavisimy it is the one who has allowed behaviour dr. The person strongly to influence it or him and who tries to rescue or save;salvage, sponsor a toper, to supervise the use of alcohol by it or him.
Sozavisimye feel insuperable desire to help or assist toper to solve its or his problems.
Dear Alja! Your husband can recover only if will want to do or make it. And most it is necessary for you to learn to live a normal life, to learn to care of itself, instead of about others, to learn to speak is not present. I take or spend the program " Methods of a self-care " for relatives of topers in which the person can live differently. If there is an opportunity to visit or attend the psychologist, can call to me t. 8 916 140 74 55. If such opportunity is not present look in a network for the literature on sozavisimosti. Or write to me on e-mail, I recommend you. Dear Alja! You can begin novu. A life, it is necessary to want only! All the best!
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