Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To my daughter have diagnosed episindrom, but all business in that, ch...

01.08.2004, 21:50
Hello! To my daughter have diagnosed episindrom, but all the matter is that I do not know as to it or this concerns. I feel any crushed this diagnosis, I feel, that I "on the verge of". And to reconcile I can not yet, but I know, what kak-that it is necessary to enter into a "normal" life, but how? Advise, please, that to me to do or make?

Well here
02.08.2004, 23:41
Anything to itself! To the Daughter the diagnosis, and mummy in a trance! All should be not so. Anything strashnogo-people with it or this live, marry, rozhajut-I do not speak that the possible or probable reason of illness or disease were you, mummy... At you absolutely wrong position. Apprehend as due and accept a maximum of efforts for treatment. All.

04.08.2004, 10:54
To concern easy as to normal healthy person, and to use the best efforts that quality of a life of the girl was " at height ": both conditions, and necessary well-timed treatment. Also calm the nerves. Difficultly, but it is possible. And all business or affairs.