Просмотр полной версии : We are familiar 2, 5 years. First I trifled to ours of the attitude or relation...

29.07.2004, 10:25
We are familiar 2, 5 years. First I trifled to our attitudes or relations, t. To. Has got used obshchatsja with men of other level (restaurants, gifts and t.), but with this person to me was easily and interestingly though I understood, that from the attitude or relation it is necessary to finish, because at us the different attitude or relation to a life, vobshchem any future. To put it briefly I some times tried to tear our attitudes or relations, but he asked me it or this to not do or make, spoke, that likes me and wants, that we would be together, I agreed. Gradually I have started to become attached to it or him;them, and he has started to behave strange (we do not make love already half a year because there is no place to remove or take off a hotel accommodation at it or him the financial position does not allow. Gradually at me the impression has started to develop, that he is simple it or this does not want, I became nervous and irritable, have tried to talk to it or him about it or this, he speaks, that is not ready to this conversation and in general there is nothing to discuss. Now we constantly quarrel, he speaks, that with me it is impossible obshchatsja, etc.
Please advise as to be, I like it or him and I do not wish it or him to lose.

30.07.2004, 01:02
It seems to me, that at your beloved protso appear any complex. Prchem komplks at it or him dostatchono serious in its or his comprehension. This can komplks is connected with physiology, and can and with psychological suspiciousness. Your problem or task not setting direct questions, it is artful - female to find the reasons etgo a complex and to try to convince unostentatiously also it or him of that, what is it not nakaznie gospodne, and its or his specific feature, etc. and t. Item Voobshchem - priminite female cunning + tenderness + proniknovennost.

31.07.2004, 10:48
M-yes... Really strange behaviour - to not be engaged half a year in love iz-that is no place. How it - is no place???? To Me to not understand the mind or wit of it or this... Kakie-any ridiculous excuses. I think, it would not be desirable more likely or is could not. As in a bearded joke. You speak, that you do not have future and at the same time be afraid to lose it or him. You kak-nibud understand with the private world, what for to yourself nerves to pull out or fray? If he something has hooked on you - that simply communicate with it or him and enjoy this dialogue, not demanding from it or him greater.

01.08.2004, 11:31
The girl I understand you. At me the same problem. We with the guy together 1, 5 years.! And than further subjects is worse, at present sex at us (at the best) once a week. I became nervous, irritable. With it or him spoke on this subject I booze time. But to sense from these conversations to sense is not present. He tried to me objanit the reason its or his depression hotenija. Gvoril what not the season (the autumn, winter at all decreases desire), spoke that problems with job (nothing feels insolvent without deneg-therefore would be desirable). I in itself am assured - he from me does not walk! Like also I try to understand it or him, I wait in hope of spring and summer, I hope for improvement of affairs with job. But menjaetsja-all becomes worse than nothing. As though also has reconciled to it or this. I am silent, I save all in myself, but sooner or later all this saved up or saved pours out in quarrels.
I consider or count what is it an impasse, short of a variant rastovanija-but iskljucheno--I it or him like it!

01.08.2004, 19:37
Kind! Suffer a little bit, up to letoa ostalost 1, 5 months and then it is possible to build a tent. And all can be solved your problems.

03.08.2004, 09:01
I do not know that you there think the girl, I understand you, but I think that in vain you for it or him cling. If he already now so conducts itself(himself), and what will be further? You are ready to wipe sopli to yours lubimomu all life? pozhelejte yourselves, that you so have gone in cycles, circle so much interesting men. Remember he it becomes never better!!!!!! Believe. Descend or go to the psychologist that is possible even online of sites much. Do not ruin itself.

03.08.2004, 23:52
No, madam, is defective love, the forecast of your attitudes or relations fills with misgivings! " She for flours or torments has grown fond of it or him, and he it or her for sostradane to them! " Marriage or Spoilage with such problem the man exhausts!

04.08.2004, 08:18
Well as it is no place? At home, at friends, in park, in a wood, in the lift, in a situated near Moscow boarding house on days off, the main thing that it WOULD be desirable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!