Просмотр полной версии : I know - the ideal variant to descend or go to the psychologist. But completely to shift...

The guy
25.07.2004, 03:16
I know - the ideal variant to descend or go to the psychologist. But completely to shift the problems on others - it is not so interesting. As kak-in any way, but gradually it manages to something to reach or achieve in a life most. But it would be desirable vsyo-taki to accelerate process a little. I since the childhood was not too contact, friends always chose me. In sadik and in 1 j the class of school went with tears - an abruption from strict (often named its or her malicious), but liked mummy. In 10 m a class friendly dialogue with the schoolmate has ended with humiliations from its or her party or side, for certain that I fooled it or her. I allowed her to consider or count myself as its or her guy after she has told or said that likes me. Saw off after employment or occupations, did or made at it or her lessons. She would like any close relations, for certain and sex - but she - as the girl - for me was not so nice, only as the friend - the interlocutor (a record by phone - 4 hours). This our dialogue was interesting to me to what will result or bring, houses all peerly to sit boringly.. . After couple of weeks of such dialogue, she iz-for disappointments in me has derided me and for the company one more little girl. On it or this warm close confidential attitudes or relations have ended, have remained poverhnostnye-friendly. Like the usual history - with whom happens. But there was any insult. Attitudes or relations with mother, and not after quarrel and when we only began nashche acquaintance also have strongly deteriorated. Also there was the second poblema is a unwillingness and even impossibility to act publicly iz-for sensations of any rigidity in soul or douche. Iz-for it or this problems in study (in HIGH SCHOOL), dialogue have amplified. After several years of unsuccessful attempts to be typed or collected boldness to defend the diploma, has thrown this business, and has got a job. The truth ridiculously it passed or took place - when called on mobile - was afraid to lift a tube, and pending interviews wished to escape, but that without special elekronnoj a card to not leave has helped or assisted. Now pospenno I consult with pavor of public - job forces. Until recently did not represent itself near to the beloved - in fact even with old friends - and that is not present desire to communicate - if earlier simply sometimes hesitated, now simply I am afraid of the not explainable arrogance to people. However, recently has met the girl, I do not understand as, but kissed, in second time even it was pleasant. But again I feel from its or her party or side much greater desire to communicate, than at me, prada now like and she nice. Now here a problem - I wish to be with her more close and simultaneously I feel hatred which has appeared after several hours of conversations on all during an occurring after 1 j long separation (far lives). I in general the optimist, but on a regular basis feel, that I understand nothing in this life...

25.07.2004, 17:33
Your revelation is penetrated by mental anguish from the beginning and up to the extremity or end. And you perfectly know, that the good and close or attentive psychologist will help or assist. Be more courageous also than anything here is not present terrible to go and give vent to soul to the person who is ready to submit an arm or a hand of friendship and comprehension. Success!

27.07.2004, 04:07
Such sensation, that you also want someone's love, and simultaneously are afraid of it or this, internal barriers, barriers, rigidity and that you name hatred therefore begin. It not hatred, and pavor to open to her soul, pavor of rapproachement as though are protected from the one who is pleasant to you. And the more it is pleasant, the "protection" and desire to leave is more. Probably, it is caused or called by that there was no rapproachement with mother - she was too rigid, and you actually have not absolutely understood how in general to communicate with women. Can, it is necessary to cross at last through itself violently, in fact a problem not that the girl does not approach or suit you, and it is similar, it only your internal problem. To cross, not thinking on the future to allow all to go down stream, but to not be eliminated or erased;removed from attitudes or relations. Well and as will develop - so will develop, anything bad anyway will not be.

31.07.2004, 03:38
I shall recommend nevertheless to not go down stream it is not known, to what result, and to find the psychologist that he has helped or assisted to resolve internal conflicts. And the result opredelennej will be also time will leave less.

31.07.2004, 13:30
By the way, psychologists do not incur a problem of the clients, clients resolve them, psychologists only direct or refer and supervise process.

The anonym
03.08.2004, 23:24
pochemu-that is considered to be, that the psychologist will direct, will prompt, etc. Psychologists - the same people who too are mistaken, and that at us inside is better to know only to us. There are no ideal prescriptions how to live this life with whom to live because it or her you will not tire out or will not drive in scientific frameworks - she at everyone, unique and it is more at anybody not repeated, as well as than an occurring in her with that or other person.

Kiseleva E.J.
04.08.2004, 06:40
Hello, the Guy! All has very precisely written to you XXX. From its part I can recommend to familiarize with the book " the Basic forms of pavor " Fritsa Rimana. In one of 4 h chapters or heads you will see yourselves and if you and in the further will have questions you mozhite to address to me.