Просмотр полной версии : The kind night, dear psychologists! (I write "nights", therefore as on my hours...

Evgenie Shmelev
01.08.2004, 16:59
The kind night, dear psychologists! (I write "nights", therefore as on my hours 00 : 31, however if you prochtete this report in the morning, in the afternoon or in the evening accordingly at that time day I and wish you goods). And so, a problem from which I to you address following... About one and a half year ago I have met the surprising girl! We had perfect attitudes or relations, I am very lovely for her looked after, gave flowers and so on... To her then there were 17, me 18 years. In general - ljubov-carrots! And difficulties have then come, shortage of time, there was any distance and eventually we have left, however have left very peacefully and easy - without scandals and stages. On the contrary - have remained kind friends, quite often were called back to learn or find out about affairs and state of health each other later. There was time and I have practically forgotten about JUle (namely so call the heroine of my story), often recollected her, is simple so with kindness and confidence, what is it there was only an addicting, instead of love.. . Year has passed or has taken place as we did not see and did not call up, as suddenly once have met in marshrutke! We have lovely talked, have recollected the general or common subjects, have kindly said goodbye... And here has begun! For a long time the died away or gone out forgotten love has flashed with improbable force, and became even stronger, than was one and a half year ago! I have understood - that I like it or her! This folly, but she is necessary to me! (oh, it is direct as in a song at "Tatu"...) But we like as simply old friends, so much water has flowed away. Let my problem will seem to you naive and children's, but in fact it nevertheless my first love, that is predilections to mistakes or errors on the face! Prompt please as to me to be risen to her what to change this perfect flower in a subject of adoration and pure or clean love? To you I shall be very grateful for the answer! Thanks.

02.08.2004, 17:11
Abundance too tsvetastyh phrases in your narration guards, Evgenie! Whether any sincerity that suffices? And in general, me it seems, that JUlja you has interested again in that she fine does without your presence at the life. It also "has hooked" on you, and " again flashed love " here is not present, excuse! Can, and to return all it is not necessary...

04.08.2004, 00:03
I not the professional psychologist, but shall dare to respond. Vy Evgenie seems to me, that, fine know as itself messages with JUlej, and actually that night you simply very much would like to share the beautiful romantic history. If now you with her as old kind friends, can such and remain? The true friendship should be saved and protected, especially between parenem and the girl. And you can meet a new beloved, and leave its or her LIKED (instead of the friend), you can LIKE!