Просмотр полной версии : Misters, a problem in the following. My wife often goes in business trips, in t....

25.07.2004, 05:40
Misters, a problem in the following.
My wife often goes in business trips, including and foreign together with the chief. I know, that my wife causes in it or him sympathies. These trips simply do not give me of rest. It seems to me, that sooner or later these trips will lead to its or her change. That to me to do or make I do not know. I can insist, that she has left this job, but there is a danger, that in this case its or her career will go to a cat under a tail, and for it or her she means much. If it to happen, I shall be guilty in it or this only, therefore I have no moral right to insist on it or this. On the other hand - each such trip is a dangerous situation, t. To. Everyone know, that often occurs or happens, when the two people working together appear where nibud in other country.
In general I do not know, as to do or make - if the wife refuses these trips (though not the fact, that she will make it - most likely is not present) - that gives up as a bad job the career. If business trips proceed - that is danger, that sooner or later my patience will burst - and we rasstanemsja.
I shall be grateful for advice or council of the psychologist.

26.07.2004, 00:10
And on what basis you do not trust the wife?

27.07.2004, 13:05
Tanja, I I basically trust the wife.
The matter is that we in marriage or spoilage already it is a lot of years - and feelings at it or her to me any more those. Love, such what was in the beginning - at it or her already is not present.
And now look or see: she goes with another the man in what nibud the European country - there they stop in one hotel. We shall assume - day of business or affairs, all such, and in the evening or in target they also should spend time together, t. To. More no friends there are present. Besides she is pleasant to him and he will naturally probably want to invite it or her in restaurant, or still where nibud, there will begin okazvat any signs on attention well, etc. in general the lady's man still that.
Than not a dangerous situation?
In my opinion in such situations the woman can make about what subsequently will probably regret.
Good if still she went with peer on a post - then I could make serious conversation with with whom she had to go. And here director and again taki I am afraid, that such conversation can be reflected in its or her career not in the best party or side.
Such here business or affairs.

29.07.2004, 05:26
Well, and if there is no love, what for she lives with you? And whence such confidence, what you are unloved? It seems to me, not all so is bad, you do not have confidence of, probably simply a little

30.07.2004, 10:05
Andrey, relax.... Spend time with the wife is better so that she always knew, that its or her husband the best. Novels with the chief in what good do not result or bring, it know all (either job or sex), and when houses all vporjadke, women not ishchat entertainments on the party or side. Descend or go from her here in small restaurant before a trip and tell or say, that a little be jealous (a little) and will miss. Also remember, women like self-assured men. And the ideas you only draw to yourselves troubles. If she will want, will change to you here again and at other job, lady's men suffice everywhere....

31.07.2004, 15:57
Andrey, at me feeling, that you about me have written.... All a point in a point - and I once....
And very much regretted... To the husband, certainly, has not told or said. And in fact it has occured or happened only because to the husband has rowed on the eve, very much he has offended me. Andrey! Your wife never to you will change, if you on the eve osoenno with it or her will be gentle...

02.08.2004, 03:39
Enough often I happen on business trips, and never there were ideas about zagulah. The reason of changes as a rule not in departures and opening opportunities, and in problems of the house. If the person runs from family and seeks comprehensions elsewhere to him and in native city nothing will prevent horns to set to the husband. So store or keep in family the world, protect the wife and if you it is more than anything in attitudes or relations with her does not disturb, do not invent to itself horror stories.

02.08.2004, 18:36
It seems to me, is better to give up as a bad job on career. Though why a cross? What - in this firm light a wedge has converged? If your wife the professional, she will always find to itself job, let and less monetary. A situation really dangerous. The common cause always pulls together people., for example, it would be difficult to me to give up in the same situation to the to the colleague if he to me was nice. But if the husband has asked me to leave this job, I would make it. Not because so strongly I like it or him, that is why that... I "regret". We together already it is a lot of years, at us children, I am very adhered to the husband. And for me the world and rest in family is much more important than career.

02.08.2004, 23:55
Thanks all for answers.
The matter is that the situation is aggravated still with some factors.
In the first: About love. As I already wrote at my wife there is no to me already such love as earlier. What for she lives with me? Very simply: that age Has approached or suited when it is already necessary for her to get or start the child. And as its or her father budujushchego - I it or her completely arrange the child (as she said). At least at this age (25 30 years) as a rule normal men already are in tenacious female paws. Those free (not burdened by family in the age of nearby 30 and more) with which she constantly should communicate (basically it is colleagues at job) as she said " morons what that ".
In the second: we together already nearby 8 mi years and recently we had a sex incompatibility. In general it or she already does not have such desire to be engaged with me love as earlier and with the same intensity. Now it occurs or happens at us once a week from force. On my offer to borrow or occupy in sex on a trace. Day after the previous certificate or act usually follows: " you che from mind or wit have descended or gone? We yesterday were engaged in it or this ". Though it is necessary to give due, that last 3 4 months like it starts to be adjusted - earlier breaks were longer.
In the third: I at it or her was the first and all taki I think, that the only thing the man. Well and in a view of non receipt from sex of due satisfaction recently I am afraid, that she will want to try or taste whom that still. As sutiatsii for this purpose arise most that on is...

In general before me there is very complex or difficult choice: to reconcile to its or her job, completely to her to trust, suppress in itself all bad ideas and nervous experiences, to not pay attention to possible or probable conversations behind a back. Or to leave her though it will be very serious, t. To. I on former very much like it or her.
We with her it is a lot of about it or this spoke. To endow the career she is not going to, t. To. Our family in such kind as now as she has told or said most likely is not necessary such victims. Plus - is some probability of that she cannot probably give birth to the child (disease of appendages) and in this case she boitsja that already I shall throw it or her and at it or her remains families career.
Here such business or affairs.

03.08.2004, 12:25
And more: Belief, about: " If your wife the professional, she will always find to itself job... "
It is certainly correct, however we though live in the big city, but not in capital. And that post with which she borrows or occupies with performance of that circle of duties, is at us not for nedelju-another.
Plus certainly the attitude or relation to employees in the company: the good salary, bonuses, credits, payment for training.