Просмотр полной версии : With my young man we work together, therefore within day objazatel...

01.08.2004, 19:35
With my young man we work together, therefore within day necessarily we see minutes on 20, and after job sometimes he brings up me up to the underground, sometimes we go to cinema or in theatre during a week. And days off, he practically always refuses to meet, referring to business or affairs. Today I have not sustained and have asked, what's the matter. It has appeared, that it or he quite accepts a regimen of our occurrings, therefore in target he and to not aspire to meet. But there is a difference between "occurrings" on rabote-when it is possible to talk only on distance of meter from each other and in the whole afternoon together in target! It very much touches me, offends. I at all do not know, that to me to think. He likes me, I it or him too, but I cannot understand this moment. Has recollected, that in the previous novel I had similar moments when I aspired to occurrings much more, than the partner though feelings were mutual. In what my mistake or error? Really, if you like, to you it is unimportant, how often you will see " a subject of passion " and in what regimen??

02.08.2004, 06:27
It or He has a girl with which he spends days off. Certainly most likely he does not like you it or her, and simply well spends time also at home and at job. Because, when the man likes he as well as the woman to aspire to be all time series.

03.08.2004, 11:47
And I basically do not like definition " my young man ". The person by definition nobody's, only own... And here " my husband, my friend, my partner, my colleague " it is admissible. Olja, try to calm down and be defined or determined objectively (objectively) whom this person for you at present is also what ways to try that this person to you became closer. In your present case why to not talk it is hardly more frank (for example, to admit, what it is pleasant to you to communicate with it or him and you wish to meet outside of job)? And from what you have taken, what he likes you? How he has proved it?