Просмотр полной версии : Hello help or assist those to me with mine problemmoj! 1. I now sit at home already bo...

18.07.2004, 00:24
Hello help or assist those to me with mine problemmoj!
1. I now sit at home more year with the child to him year and two months the matter is that I at all do not wish to be engaged with it or him at me was not present desires nni enthusiasm but also jachasto I am broken on it or him even I beat sometimes. .ponimaju that so is not impossible but simply I can supervise myself!!! At me simply what that lack of will is not present stimulus to what I do not think at all of an output or exit on job!! Aspirations to study and samosovershenstvovatsja!!! That to me to do or make!!! Help or assist!!

19.07.2004, 06:55
The darling, at you very much a greater or big and serious problem. I should respond, though and not the doctor. Experts, for certain, will find the decision to your problem, but also you so simply do not surrender. Convincingly I ask you to esteem for your blessing books Konovalova to my S.S.Po-, in the book about female illnesses or diseases there is advice or councils to young and future mums. Even not important, what of books you buy or purchase (they completely not dear or expensive). Simply read. They give amazing calmness throttle and help or assist to find internal forces, moreover and treat. You a lot of useful and surprising of them will gather. Believe, it not advertising. Too many my friends and I have got rid of serious problems with health and soul. All will understand from books. Only do not attack a fake. All of them (if not false) with the salutary booklet and with a sign on publishing house " Prajm-press " on a forward crust below in the middle. Success to you. I hope, all will be good, and you hope only for the best. And your close people in any way do not support or maintain you?

20.07.2004, 01:53
Thanks you Lera for advice or council!
The husband tries to help or assist me but in the whole days he is borrowed or occupied by job, aja knowing that it is necessary to stop all this and to undertake itself simply I can not start to do or make it!!! You do not know what is it such??? All this can to me has passed from my mum - at it or her very much a difficult character, and after zamuzhestva-all pregnancy I lived with her she at me the sick person and constantly being broken shouted at me - the same was and after sorts or labors, but here 5 months as we have moved to other country. I thought that all in my life will change there will be a stimulus to struggle against the minuses, but became alas even worse!!! What to me to do or make??? I do not know!!!

Tolokonin A.O.
21.07.2004, 17:40
Psychological problems in mutual relations with mother have led to a current state of affairs. The internal help of the expert is necessary. In what country live?

24.07.2004, 10:42
Hello dock!
We live in Dubai and I simply precisely know that psychotherapists here are not present!!

Tolokonin A.O.
27.07.2004, 18:04
Come to Moscow.

27.07.2004, 20:48
And in absentia you can advise nothing dock?

Tolokonin A.O.
31.07.2004, 16:27
Call to me 542 30 41 mob. After 14.00

03.08.2004, 10:37
Well how are you doing? Now I experience for your problem. I hope the doctor something has helped or assisted you. It is necessary, live in such city about which in Cosmo write, how about paradise on the ground and the present or true fairy tale, and so hardly it is necessary you. Write, if vsgrustnetsja k-valery@yandex. ru. I shall be glad.