Просмотр полной версии : Hello - that with me occurs or happens! I married 1 year have got married on love...

01.08.2004, 02:37
Hello - that with me occurs or happens! I married 1 year have got married on love, but sometimes I have ideas, that it or this to do or make it was not necessary. The moments I like the husband, and sometimes parosto to see not hochu-what is it such (can be as speak "priteraemsja") to Me 21 year. To somebody advise something or share personal experience. Whether was at somebody such?????

01.08.2004, 18:56
Was and is long enough, do not go to extremes have a seat on a thicket for a negotiating table try to understand each other, peredtem how to begin informal conversation agree about date of the further negotiations it is not dependent on result of your present or true dialogue. Excuse I bad Russian it not native my tongue.

02.08.2004, 22:04
20 years together, till now we get used,)

03.08.2004, 04:40
However, in concentration camps spent such experiment: two enamoured, according to their desire be always together, held down handcuffs (naked or exposed, essessno), and ostavjali in one chamber.
Term - one week. In a week enamoured started to hate fiercely each other. Over a week seldom who kept.
So " year of a life " and " sometimes to see I do not want " is normally, in comparison with kontslagernym an experimental regimen.

Advice or Council I shall give such: you have told or said a word "simply". Here if it is not simple, and reflect, when why and why to see do not want. That is that there is a replacement this your word "Simply", that you have replaced with it or him, what uneasy feelings to the husband.
And here if there there will be a sex what hostility to the husband then tomorrow and get divorced.

03.08.2004, 09:05
Sex hostility is not present. In bed with the husband all okej, but here outside bed two persons not understanding each other (" and in places it is bad and vros as "). And about divorce it serezno. ALL THANKS HUGE!!!!