Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me greater or big problems with a dream if I sleep more than 6 hours su...

The patient
24.07.2004, 02:03
Hello. At me greater or big problems with a dream if I sleep more than 6 hours day dreams unpleasant or nightmares. Constantly I feel weariness. Before 24 hours to fall asleep it is impossible. Used some restful, operate or work weakly and only for the period of reception.

The anonym
24.07.2004, 12:48
Essence (type of earth spirits), etc. the program. Remove or take out.

The anonym
26.07.2004, 04:31
Interestingly as psychiatrists of a site concern to similar applications or statements?

The anonym
29.07.2004, 23:02
The psychiatrist and the psychotherapist two greater or big different things... And vobshche, in a madhouse it is necessary...

The anonym
31.07.2004, 06:32
There is much on light, the friend the anonym, as did not dream these wise men:-).

The anonym
31.07.2004, 16:17
marusja, really and you in it are devoted?

Tolokonin A.O.
02.08.2004, 19:48
Address internally.