Просмотр полной версии : Very interesting situation! Like standard, I have liked, we with...

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The truth
11.07.2004, 08:09
Very interesting situation! Like standard,
At me is liked, we with it or him together work, every day we see we throw against each other significant views, we correspond, we wish each other good night! But he is married, though does not wear a ring, and does not sleep with the wife! But lives with her in one apartment! Together we happen time 2 3 in a week! He cannot speak with me about the wife though it is already close to it or this, I feel, that she has made to him och. Painfully! We are familiar one and a half month, for me it is a lot of... I never was on supporting parts.. He spends all time there, speaks, that has lived with the wife of 9 years... When I speak him that to me painfully... He speaks that understands... spodvigat it or him on what actions I cannot, it already violence, it is necessary that the person himself has realized... And to speak, that I shall leave, it already turns out pure or clean water blackmail... To me to 24 him 31.. I not silly and beautiful! Is angry and isterikik to roll up I am not able! And unfortunately I like it or him... To throw it or him is for me it och. The big step, I to it or him;them am already close! He mucheetsja from this situation, reasons are necessary to me to leave it or him or to not leave... All by itself certainly will be solved, but I am not able to wait!

12.07.2004, 06:24
Difference feel 9 years or 1, 5 months? What questions can be still... My husband too not always wears a ring, well and che? It does not mean, that at us with it or him of a problem and we with it or him do not sleep, ochn even. 100-th time I am convinced of female naivety. Well be cleverer.. Or you of love novels obchitalis. If have got or started a petty intrigue and behave podobajushche - easily and easy. Can be then something and to break off...

13.07.2004, 03:34
And here about that he does not sleep with the wife.... You film " I Want your husband " with Zadornov saw?? There there was about it an episode. Besides to meet with married - initially practically proigryshnyj and a unpleasant variant.

The anonym
14.07.2004, 03:51
At me the same situation, but lasts 2.5 years. Yes he does not sleep with the wife, yes we meet very frequently, yes I like it or him madly, yes he too very well concerns to me. But to count, that he will leave from the wife - is useless. Simply it is a habit. It or him so it is convenient - the wife feeds, poit, obstiryvaet, and it is possible and to borrow or occupy in sex on the party or side. And even if he you likes - business remediless. So or reconcile, if do not wish it or him to lose, or leave, have not become attached yet to it or him;them so, that be unable leave.

15.07.2004, 08:00
Aha. And you does not sleep with the wife... 2, 5 years... Here only it is not clear that she then to him socks erases also cowards.... GIRLS, well you so are naive that! I Understand, it would be desirable romanticism, but the best time and years is not necessary from to devote for such whim married vrunu-oboltosu. If he says lies to the wife from what you have taken, that he with such about they with the same success and to you on ears do not go. Here to that least to believe it is necessary, so it is to such muzhiks, and another too...

16.07.2004, 23:13
Uzhaaas... As all is started. Girls, well explain to me how it is possible so blindly to believe muzhiks? Well very much it would be desirable to understand your logic...

18.07.2004, 10:39
Possibly, Irisha, it at them owing to a youth and inexperience. On another's mistakes or errors that to type or collect experience, here more hardly and beat own shishki. 8))

The anonym
18.07.2004, 23:04
IRISHA and you believe the husband?

20.07.2004, 15:12
Interestingly, on yours, it has what attitude or relation to a subject? My husband few times on the left descended or went, probably, that to itself that that to prove. 8)) but I believed him, that he thus liked me, instead of these disposable girls. And me its or his campaigns were on a drum or reel.

21.07.2004, 16:14
And what good yes correct women were going to... Those who meets with married, do not build please of itself naive, not that at you age that the facts were eclipsed by naivety. People really believe in that, in what they very much would wish to believe...

Vasku and Irishe
21.07.2004, 23:14
Well about for what she to him erases socks - so he of money brings, instead of he sleeps with her exclusively iz-for it or her, she speaks, that sex to her is uninteresting (and he as the man ogo-go!), it in general kak-that nizmenno and type is better to esteem the book. And about naivety are you in vain, I, for example, estimate or appreciate a situation really, both that that he and me can quite go on ears I suppose. But that in vain I lose the best years are incorrectly, always in fact it is possible to interrupt attitudes or relations, if will bother, for now you receive from it or this pleasure so let it and will be. Here it is necessary to its or his wife to worry, instead of me, in fact to hold the muzhik on a short rations, counting or expecting, that family will not throw for the sake of the child - top of nonsense. And me to worry there is nothing, me while all arranges - sex stunned, flowers, gifts and t. The item are present also socks to erase not to me.

The censor
22.07.2004, 19:50
Eko at you to muzhiku-sex, florets, and socks let others erase the interesting attitude or relation. So is far we shall not leave. Tady and pishi-I sleep with married, all arranges. And there is no sensation, what you at it or him only for a discharge of sexual system?

23.07.2004, 16:34
I believe that my husband strongly likes me. He proves to me it every day the acts, instead of empty idle talk. He much for me has made and does or makes. Whether there were at it or him campaigns on the left... Probably, that were (as at all normal men)...

Vaska - a point
24.07.2004, 11:17
Quite reasonably sounds, you will not argue. Only if your friend not so young the man "short rations" at its or his attitude or relation to a life, hardly will be a determinative for it or him concerning value of its or his family. 8) forgive or excuse, but a dog he and there is a dog. And that that you it or him so is successful polzuete, success to you and rest to sincere its or his wife.

Vaska - to the Censor
26.07.2004, 00:59
So he can also at it or her too only for the same discharge. 8)

The censor
26.07.2004, 11:25
Vaska, tady advice or council it or him yes bed)))

Vaska - TSenzou
26.07.2004, 13:59
About what I repeat. 8) frankly speaking, at me the most same variant is - for a discharge. Though why that is considered, that for the woman it is immoral, and for the muzhik - norm or rate

Vaske and to the Censor
26.07.2004, 21:08
Well about socks to erase - that you zatsiklilis-that, there would be my husband, itself would erase, and how eshche-that? But thus not only socks would erase, but also in the intimal plan would humour, that on the left did not go (at least, the constant mistress would not get or start). And as to, whether I feel, that I only for sex am necessary to him - yes like I do not feel, at us much in common and besides it or this. Yes if even was and so - different attitudes or relations on a miscellaneous and are based, we not frame family, and we spend together a free time, and very pleasantly we spend. And if it is fair - communication or connection with married to not eat well, itself I understand. At it or him the wife be more tender, he would sit near it or her, I do not understand only why she so conducts herself?

The censor
27.07.2004, 21:13
All depends on the person, education, principles, etc. and t. Item For me, learn or find out I that at the wife someone is, the question would be solved prosto-things there, a door there, be going to. Therefore and anything similar to myself I do not allow. And is not present zhelanija-in family idilija in all from sex up to a life. That and all I wish.

28.07.2004, 12:10
Yes like you anybody also does not brand. 8) and then even if to present a situation about which you govoriteju yet the fact, that he would not walk, elsi you would be its or his wife tender and gentle. Well if only at it or him in due course the potency would go down. And the factor of novelty for mzhchiny - a thing important in an intim or intima... So that do not promise

28.07.2004, 16:39
The censor happy you. 8) and how on yours me to be in my situation? While at me the family was, I too such did not allow myself. And now it was exhausted. To me it is good with the friend, it is comfortably sincere also he wishes to marry, but a trouble in that. That at us very different and he me simply does not pull temperament, though is younger than me. Therefore I also am afraid to go in marriage for it or him because to walk conscience will not suffice, if he will be the husband. And on a short rations I am long I can not - to hurt or be ill;be sick I begin, to be nervous, etc. And with with what to me it is good in bed, on soul or douche from it or him is empty..

The anonym
29.07.2004, 18:39
Oh, yes I also do not speak, that he from me would not walk, I even am assured, that would walk (well such it is type of the man - a cat of 100 % - in it or this a greater or big share of its or his charm and consists), therefore never for such and have not gone, but, you see, a difference, single communication or connection for the sake of novelty and the constant mistress. Here the constant mistress I at the husband never would suffer, here any more aspiration to novelty, and something another. Vaska, to you it will be valid difficultly if will marry the present friend, the difference of temperaments is neizlichimo, problems with change necessarily will.

30.07.2004, 22:21
Here it also afflicts me. To me it is good with it or him on a life, though he also that blockhead. 8 ((and with those who for me is good in bed, at me it is impossible sincere communication or connection

The censor
01.08.2004, 03:02
Vaska, looking you wish to create what family. On me tak-it is assured or confident overtake. I before marrying with 3 girls was (not speaking about with what at us were simply bed attitudes or relations). And while I have not been become assured or confident, what exactly with her I can always be, I shall not run in searches of another's heat, and she never begins to think of someone the friend, only then there was our family. And if you already are now confident, that to you will have to be broken off or be lacerated between several muzhiks it is not necessary and to begin. Though, opjat-taki, you wish to create what family. Success.

The reader
01.08.2004, 04:49
The censor, I respect!