Просмотр полной версии : In marriage or spoilage 6 years. The daughter of 5 years grows, very much I like the husband. About two years ago pr...

29.07.2004, 14:55
In marriage or spoilage 6 years. The daughter of 5 years grows, very much I like the husband. About two years ago it was necessary to divorce fictitiously, so to say for the sake of promotion of business of the husband on the West, he had to marry on estonke in due course free to cross border. In territory of Estonia he should stay 270 days in a year, well and the rest of the time in Russia. The first year even more less attitudes or relations were normal, but here last time simply nightmare. And here as that comes and declares, that to us comes only to execute a duty or debt to the daughter and me - prevesti money and morally us to support or maintain. Has declared, that it or he there certainly has a woman, but only for sex, and that back to Moscow he especially would not like that financially now probably to help or assist as earlier - too it will not turn out. I am simple in horror! When the husband happened in the departures - at me and the idea such was not, that so all can happen. I have specially started to be treated, because he always spoke, that as soon as the daughter will go to school it is necessary to give birth or travail still to the child. So that to him it was good, when he came - I have discharged from office, was engaged in the house and the child, helped or assisted the husband with documents with Moscow and for the sake of what that so all has developed? I can tell or say about myself - that very beautiful woman, me of 29 years, but very jealous. Really men do not appreciate all what for them are ready to make liked?

30.07.2004, 22:55
Yes, men do not appreciate. Forgive or excuse, and you in 29 years believed, what your husband of 270 days in a year without the woman?! I think to you it is necessary to move to it or him;them to Estonia with a daughter.

31.07.2004, 16:41
ne nado takih razvodov delatj, milochka. .on uze god-svobodnij muzchina... tak kakije pretenzii? i vi toze svobodna... .udaci.

The anonym
01.08.2004, 04:16
He has betraid you, having offered or suggested such variant of promotion of business. And you have betraid it or him, having agreed on such divorce. " In mountain, and in pleasure " - vse-taki in it or this there is a sense...

02.08.2004, 11:33
Pancake!!! Here it is the swine!!! I in a shock!!! How you could so in itself to be mistaken?! Well I do not know, already not up to love. Now it becomes necessary the prudent stinker. At you the daughter! Let pays the alimony, intimidate it or him something, poshantazhirujte, but it so for revenge and that kak-that to hold on. And it becomes necessary to you on legs or foots. To you 30. You are healthy, I hope. Make the way, yet late. I assure you, he to you will return, as soon as you become the independent succeeding woman, only it hardly then will be already necessary for you.
Pancake!!! Here one more proof that it is impossible to devote the life to the man completely. Always should be zapasnyj an output or exit! A pancake!!!! I in a shock!!!!!!!