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22.07.2004, 14:14
Because muzhchiny-"weaker sex"!

23.07.2004, 01:59
Lenok, you confuse a little. Simply what are afraid - those not of the man. And in general, having agreed, that they a floor weak - it is necessary to enter the name in the stronger sex. You are ready? Well there - in burning log hut, a sofa to move, in shaft to work? How it, weakly?

23.07.2004, 17:29
If it about beauties and men I did not notice that men were afraid of beauties, it not phobia, this admiration, love, the quivering attitude or relation, ability to accept any opinion, skill to see the delicacies. Beauty - extraordinary useful thing in dialogue with the man

25.07.2004, 09:20
The woman, dostignuvshaja in a life something, starts to consider or count, that men the weaker sex or that, which man are not necessary for reception of sex pleasures. She calms down or is abirritated by it or this, approves or confirms the I. Kohl in a life has not carried, it is necessary most to do or make all, here and these words are born from such lips.)

26.07.2004, 04:06
I for all life had an impression, that men little bit unicellular, till now sincerely am surprised, if I meet worthy. Such feeling of the superiority. So it is solidary with Lena.

The anonym
27.07.2004, 15:15
Consider or Count as you wish)

29.07.2004, 06:13
Axana, you will not envy you, what all life you surround unicellular, odnojajtsovye and more there what? You, most likely, work at experimental scientific laboratory?

29.07.2004, 14:01
If is more serious, I think, that it is possible to carry to the weaker sex both women, and men, they are people with bad habits depending or dependent from cigarettes, alcohol, narcotics, nutrition, psychologically unhealthy people. If men well were engaged in education of the filial, such consequences would be less. And the weaker sex to that women are engaged in education basically, is your fetuses.

31.07.2004, 03:11
It agree with Huchem. Weak there are as well as men, and women. Men are called as the stronger sex as they in the majority are physically stronger than the average woman, but in fact all is measured not by one only physical strength... Just physical strength is the most easier for winning having cunning and brains. And how much around of us njunikov with strong muscles which on a life can independently make nothing... And in general weak men are done or made by women who consider or count them nedochelovekami and on a life lead muzhiks by hand, pirnimajut for all of them decisions and correct for all of them mistakes or errors. And then at these or it nedotep also take offence...

01.08.2004, 03:54
Yes all at me is normal in a life. That at me on a subconscious mind is incorporated (mum has tried, as I already understand), nobody sees and does not guess.
Job at me creative. To one another does not stir or prevent.

01.08.2004, 22:27
Our fetuses - yes, and vy-that withdraw voluntary. You the same fetuses.

02.08.2004, 03:34
Absolutely correctly. Self-satisfied, weak idiots with razdutym vanity