Просмотр полной версии : Whether at me know now wild quantity or amount of cockroaches in a head. My husband, byv...

27.07.2004, 17:38
Whether at me know now wild quantity or amount of cockroaches in a head.
The husband my, former narcomaniac, it as it is awful - the diagnosis for all life.
Dipressii 2 3 times a year, everyones - both silent, and loud (with changes, uhodami
And other). But this or thus passing or taking place. After 3 days of the basic course of training on " expansion of consciousness " - has come and has told or said: it is necessary to part. With a smile has told or said, it is tender so. I that vobshchem to all was ready, because when he went on training at it or him there was approximately a middle depresii. I have told or said: well, give, rastroilas certainly, but has tried koe-how silently to react. Have agreed, that I shall pass or shall take place a course and in 40 days we shall make the final decision (I have counted, it is what is it reasonable also he with me has agreed).
Next day superrevelations have begun: he, appears me never
Liked, and simply felt a duty or debt. Delirium... As it is possible to speak about it or this
NOW? That is, three years ago he spoke about love, to live with me wanted, and
Now has realized, what then said lies? So does not happen. Togda-it then, and
sejchas-it now. In general, he has finished me the revelations to a hysterics. But, speaks, I now fair. In as! And, what to me to do or make with this honesty?
After the advanced course, he has fallen in love with the girl from training - unearthly, speaks, feeling. The truth the girl married and with the child, is quite happy without my husband.
And that will be further, I do not know!
Every day something brand new, comes to 4 mornings. If something explains - is confused in words, will understand nothing.
All time to be angry with me, became very aggressive under the attitude or relation to me, he or is silent, when I ask about something, or reacts to all my words the protest. As it is possible to communicate with the person who is silent or any word perceives in bayonets.
Never was such, he the kind and good person, that with it or him occurs or happens - I do not know.
And more speaks, I like you as the person and as mother of the child.
And at me on mine, already with a head badly after all it or this. Nothing
I understand - full delirium.
He at night vanishes together with friends from training , comes, tells that that about them with such delight! Can start to call in one o'clock in the morning to friends, and can and in two, people sleep, and to him to spit.
The most awful, that from my emotional status depends emotional
Status of the child, and I now hardly supervise myself.
You know, it certainly emotions, but I very well feel the husband, I
Always I know, if to it or him there is something, and it frightens. Anybody, except for
The child, I do not feel so. And if he my unique second half? And
I know, that he at present for itself(himself) has solved all, he for certain considers or counts
Me the former wife, considers or counts, that I in itself am disappointed and thinks, that I am angry
On it or him. At it or him problems with friends are not present special contact with
Parents, and job does not arrange it or him, but pochemu-that is the most easier he
Has refused family, from me.
I lived it or him, its or his problems, wanted, that to him was well and comfortably, we missed already, but have then solved, that we shall be together and I have started to build kirpichik on kirpichiku a new life .
Negative result, certainly, the same result, but is very sick. I
I know, what not the rights, but now at me arms or hand really fall. As to me
That to live now how adequately to grow up the son as the child in 2, 5 years can
To understand, what the daddy likes it or him and does not like mum how me to understand it most??? The child already now is nervous, has suddenly told or said, that does not like the daddy.
When we only began a joint life, it or him
Psychologists warned me that at the husband will be regular dipressii, and
They really are. He has gone on training for this reason too. I
Some times pulled out it or him from these statuses and even I feel, when it
Begins. But now, I not in a status to help or assist, he does not hear me, and
Most it is very sick.
And more, I am assured that he will understand by what exactly now he does or makes a mistake or an error and
That he does not like me it and is illusion. Well if he admits in
It or This to itself. The truth it can be too late. Love, which
Occurs or Happens right at the beginning, there can not be same for ever, all
Varies and only we, we can support or maintain this feeling or kill it or him.
We do or make unbridled passions. And my husband the teenager, he thinks, that the love is all life on one respiration.
Its or His old friends, having seen it or him now, speak, that he we shall gain, and, that one year ago he was so is happy that at it or him the liked wife and the liked son.
For me the family is the most important in a life, I like the family and I do not want
To destroy or blast it or her.

Kiseleva E.J.
28.07.2004, 22:17
Hello, Tereza! What experience of the period vyzdoravlenija your husband? Usually vyzdaravlivajushchie after gde-those 20 months kzhe come to norm or rate and start to live a normal life, t. e. There is no return to narcotics. Who was the initiator of visiting of this training? Whether this training to "recovering" Concerns? Really once a month was or former are going to and discuss as they now live, but by your description, this training has no attitude or relation to that I have mentioned. Depression 2 3 times a year, too causes many questions. What it or her causes? And more... How it or he has attitudes or relations with the son? If want, can write to me on e-mail

Well here
30.07.2004, 00:13
Listen... mat-tereza... .i NAH all this is necessary for you???????????????????????????????????? (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((

31.07.2004, 07:16
You so pogrjazli in problems of the husband, that have lost yourselves. It is necessary to you?

01.08.2004, 21:14
At me the brother the former narcomaniac... And similar trainings on " to expansion to consciousness " to him did not appoint or nominate. And such depressions with sharp reassessment of the relatives as you describe at it or him too was not, was more correct, but, on the contrary, he became better and more careful concerns to relatives. So has put at all in depression, and that he raspushchenyj and unscrupulous type. And you, really, too zatsikleny on itself. Think better of itself and about the child.