Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, please, here in one report it was a question of memoirs of the childhood...

The anonym
30.07.2004, 19:07
Tell or Say, please, here in one report it was a question of memoirs of the childhood... And I have memoirs on the events occured or happened when to me there were 3 5 months. Sketchy, but is, and these events really were. And I am distinct or clear enough myself I remember years with 3 h... And then to read, write and consider or count has learned, and me did not learn or teach... It is normal or not?

The anonym
31.07.2004, 00:23
Nu chto podelaesh, genij i telepat v odnom flakone!

Bobrov A.E.
01.08.2004, 09:11
It " not patologichno ", but, probably, is a deviation or rejection of an ontogeny. Obviously, you were the candidate for child prodigies. What your psychological status to judge to me it is difficult. And it, obviously, the most important.