Просмотр полной версии : Hello! It is very necessary to be uttered and receive advice or council. I have a guy...

10.07.2004, 04:50
Hello! It is very necessary to be uttered and receive advice or council. I have a guy with whom we live only an about a year. For this time there was all. Both pleasure and insult and quarrels. He the man of moods, but also I too. On pervosti iz-for it or this quite often there were conflicts. He and the habits to change did not want itself(himself), and I to not complicate our life itself began to be arranged under it or him. He voobshche-does not drink that, time can or two in a month with the friend pivka to have a drink, or some vodka to drink. I popervosti very much swore iz-for it or this at it or him, and have then understood, that it is not necessary. He did not brawl never, itself apologized for the status and almost always brought to me flowers (as though still time asking a pardon). But this week has stood out for me the most excruciating. I always considered or counted, that I deserve from its or his party or side of respect, attention, comprehension, let alone love and caress from its or his party or side. I was excited always with everything, that concerned or touched it or him (job, its or his personal any experiences, etc.) . Same I wanted and from it or him. I this week was engaged in search of new job, went on interviews... And it or him it did not interest at all. I came home, started to share with it or him, that at me at job occurs or happens, as I on interview descended or went... And he me it is good, if in poluha listens and thus the TV set looks, and can and is simple tell or say, that it DOES NOT EXCITE it or him. He comes home, will eat and the TV set to look at a sofa. We look exclusively only that he WANTS and try to take the board and to switch to other channel... voni will be... Horror. But I in fact too wish to look or see in the evening sometimes cinema, and unique film which I wished to look " the Palate and the Earth ". So he does not give me also itself only and does or makes, that switches from the channel to the channel, or any film which already time 100 showed will look and thus to shout, what is it interesting film. Besides, when I it or him ask to communicate, find with me for me time.... Only also I hear: - Lag behind! Not videsh I film look!!! (thus during this moment there can be an advertising). And yesterday he in general has declared me, that he has nothing with me to speak. Began to ask about job, a current he to me has responded, that I know less, I sleep more strong. And to all all my attempts to borrow or occupy he interrupts plus sex raspingly and speaks, that he DOES NOT WANT!!! On 99 % I am assured, that at it or him anybody on the party or side is not present. And here I am close to mysle, that we need to leave, I vse-taki do not deserve such reference or manipulation. I always was afraid of loneliness, but even it not so frightens me, how next it " Lag behind.... Has gone... And so forth ". My forces are not present more! In soul or douche emptiness! And tears dim eyes. At home I can not show all the imotsii, I do not wish to upset mum once again. Its or his my tears irritate. To me even places are not present in the native house...

10.07.2004, 14:10
Yes... Not cheerfully...
I can share the experience only... I kogda-that was married, and here, just approximately in a year of a joint life, I have understood, that is tired... That I on the present do not like the wife... And during that moment I too with the wife to be engaged in sex did not want or wish (though at me of anybody on the party or side and nebylo), began to recollect the former girlfriends... Even went to them... Simply so... Without any feeble efforts... And the TV for me was more important...: (((and at me the addicting has appeared... I began to write pictures and by it or this was as though fenced off from the wife...
In general a conclusion at me such, at you crisis (as I understand from its or his party or side he more strongly pronounced)
I certainly not the psychologist and my opinion can quite appear not correct...
P. S. Through any time I even began to change meaningly...: (((at us then, the truth, was the moment when attitudes or relations, like, were adjusted... But eventually we have divorced...: ((
Advice or Council only one, for what do not part on different apartments, try to communicate more on subjects interestnye both of you!!! Be not arranged under that that interestno to him (if it will be not close to you you will test an emotional strain which eventually will break and only will be worse!) subjects SHOULD be NECESSARILY interestny both of you!!!
Success to you and love!!!:)))

10.07.2004, 16:51
Unless it is possible for something to save and even to renew love if the woman already began to irritate the man? In fact and at Obladatel eventually there was a divorce.

12.07.2004, 23:17
Not utishitelno all this: (((I Shall look or see, that will be in the evening.

16.07.2004, 19:59
Please, me excuse if I shall be too sharp and cynical. First solve for itself you wish to remain with it or him or not, whether there is enough strong feeling that you were ready to suffer or bear its or his follies, character and to be arranged under it or him. Yes, at you crisis, he is tired, whether from you, from job or an environment. If there is a desire and forces if he to you of roads, talk to it or him and popytates to understand why he so itself conducts, he can will open also you look or see at a situation its or his eyes. But if now you already chuvtsvuete yourselves nekomfortno with it or him if you are offended with its or his behaviour do not suffer or bear it and do not wait, that he will change. He all the same will not estimate or appreciate and will not understand silence and obedience of you, and pochuvtstvuet, that it is possible to behave in the same spirit, and further and than that is worse. Talk, tell to him about the chuvtsvah and insults, listen to it or him, can you can find the compromise, can become terpimee to each other. I do not write without adducing any proof, at me a similar situation which besides becomes complicated the child and my present or true pregnancy. No, all was perfect when we have met, looked after, gave flowers, were tender and careful. Yet did not begin to live together. Then roughness has begun, insults, unwillingness with me to speak, because as he considered or counted, me its or his problems and business or affairs will be uninteresting. Thought will change, waited, zaberemennela. Thought becomes closer or more attentive. No, it or him nothing interested, neither my state of health, nor pregnancy when began to give birth or travail, has brought me in a maternity home and has gone on the affairs, its or his mum (mother-in-law) has brought to reason the blessing and has returned in a maternity home though he slept there on an armchair for the sake of decency, not showing even signs on any interest and trouble when both mums ran each 10 minutes worried also asked has given birth or not. Its or his child too does not interest. Also know than further subjects is worse, though I became from its part much more independent, hozjajstvennee. And something does not arrange its or his all, that make. Thanks will not tell or say. Speaks do not put yourself down to credit that you work, you are engaged in a facilities or an economy, you give birth or you travail and you bring up children. It women do or make all and there is nothing these or it;this is proud. I thought, so should be. When sat at home in a maternity leave, tried to do or make all with all the heart, all to be in time, and for the child, and to wash, and the order in the house, and to prepare for something vkusnenkoe for its or his arrival, and he came and excuse all "obsiral" not having had time to be undressed. Necessarily at something will carp, and very sharply and raspingly. Silently will eat, even the plate behind itself will be not not cleaned or removed also with a TV set. To you I shall not complain further to what I conduct all. Have pride, do not suppose roughness and insults in the address. Once keep silent, second time will be three times worse. Try to not fall up to roughness and market abuse, try to behave in arms or hand. Do not try to draw its or his attention the delicacies, tears, hysterics. It can work 1 2 times, and then he will simply cease to pay to you attention. The more you are arranged under it or him, the lose its or his and respect for more. Yes, you are a woman and already it or this are reputable, love, caress and care. He will not change. You can reconsider the attitude or relation to everything, gde-that will change, if you are ready to make it for the sake of it or him. If is not present, try to leave for a while. Whether can in separation you will understand are necessary each other or can fine the friend manages the friend. Budte strong, independent and self-sufficient. I think you still are young, he can not that person who is necessary to you, and you still will meet liked. Be not afraid to remain one. The loneliness, than constant tears and insults is better. We live almost 3 years, to the child 2 years, now I am pregnant. And despite of all this, I so was got" with such attitudes or relations, that I am going to with it or him to get divorced. It or him and it not iteresuet. And I am not afraid to remain one with 2 children. I know, that I can put them on legs or foots, I know that one too I shall not remain. To solve, certainly, to you. Can it is simple week at you has stood out such cloudy, and tomorrow again will look out the sun and you will forget about the insults. You deserve love and attention. Be not afraid to tell or say to him about it or this, you too the person, with the desires and ideas which have the right to be. Huge to you love and happiness. Do not cry and do not despond. Only you can change in the zhizno that in her does not arrange you.

20.07.2004, 06:39
HUGE to YOU THANKS! Your story about itself in many respects has helped or assisted me to understand. Yes, I very strongly like it or him and if I shall see, as I to him not without am various, I am ready to reconcile to some things. But gde-that the compromise will be necessary. But if I am not necessary to him, I am (almost ready to leave it or him.
I and wish you of GOOD LUCK And LOVE!!!

Wave for Eva
22.07.2004, 05:17
The lovely girl how you were solved on the second child??? Probably you very strong spirit the person. I envy your confidence and strength of mind. Happiness, health to you and your kiddies!!!

24.07.2004, 14:57
It agree with the Wave. Darling Eva explain, please, to us dull, what for living with such husband (the rasping, indifferent egoist) to give birth or travail from it or him to the second child? I sincerely wish your of good luck, but at all I do not understand such acts.

-sir and the Wave
25.07.2004, 00:38
Esteem archive, will find answers to the questions though I and have not understood if it is fair. To mine in Eve simply speaks the pregnant woman kapriznost!

25.07.2004, 18:06
To wave and Sir. I was not solved, did not try and protected. But here has become pregnant on a twist of fate when the family has almost collapsed also we with it or him have parted. Certainly it is the most logical in we wash a case would be to make abortion, but I could not, this baby, presented to me destiny is not guilty and should not be a victim. I wrote about it or this here much. I do not want will repeat, if interestingly look or see archive. Thanks for kind wishes and to you of the same.
Nike. Can be in me and speaks the pregnant woman kapriznost, but only absolutely chut-hardly, and, I think, I have on this right. I can not objectively I estimate or appreciate its or his behaviour. At us very different education. And that behaviour, tone and a manner of conversation, style of a life as which he considers or counts normal, for me are simply unacceptable. He can be everyone, both tender and gentle, but probably for this purpose he should put efforts, and the nature - she all the same gets out. I do not speak, that bad, is simple not compatible to me and with my concepts. We rotate in different circles, we communicate with different people and the general or common interests at us few. I cannot alter it or him, and become such as he I do not want. To you too only all the best.
Zvetik. I wish your of good luck with the liked person. Keep, this all passes or takes place. It is possible to find a way out of any deadlock. The main thing, budte hozjakoj the destiny.

28.07.2004, 04:57
I can and I have no the right to advise someone therefore as me here on this site itself prepare... But at me almost same situation was. Almost. I pulled, forgave IT or HIM. Understand, you, will not remain one. Be not afraid of loneliness, it will not come or step. You are now lonely, because HE does not hear you and is not going to to take part or participate in your life. It is simply convenient to him to live with you. As soon as rasstanetes - weeks two porevyote if you are emotional also the New life. Believe! At me the third week has now gone. The life became sated or saturated. It is a lot of free time and in general freedom. Many interesting people. Certainly, here then the friend you will not define or determine, but while it is madly interesting... All have appeared invitations. Pool. Billiards, bars, concerts..... In the first in a life I was in the Church and listened organnuju to music. The life proceeds! You feel the high-grade woman. When look after, attention and so on...

01.08.2004, 04:55
JUlishna when I read your attacks to address of all men, I understood, that in you the offended woman speaks, but painfully I do not like generalizations, yes you, perhaps, and understand, that have a little gone too far. And in fact after the first report on the contrary women have supported or maintained you, so you vainly consider or count, that you here "prepare". If obidela-excuse (it I wrote about your guy, that he was as in circus). It is very glad, that in your life now there are pleasant changes.