Просмотр полной версии : Misters psychologists how you concern to an astrology? At Me now is dvo...

25.07.2004, 23:57
Misters psychologists how you concern to an astrology? At
Me now there are two zankomyh young men, me on
The sign on the zodiac accepts one, and another is not present. But I know
The steam which for a long time are married, and on stars they not are a lot of
Approach or Suit. Or they though are married, but unhappy?
Help or Assist, I do not know, whom to choose...... The astrology is
Science how you consider or count?????? Help or assist, very much it is necessary to me
The nobility.......

26.07.2004, 05:36
It is perfect or absolute definitely I can tell or say, that astrologija-it is a science. Which, by the way, enters into a course of many enough serious universitetov-the truth, not in territory of the CIS. If me will begin pereubezhdat-that I ask to notice and make the amendment that astrologija-is far from ordinary representations about her... Vse-taki, it is better to choose the one whom you like and with whom to you it is comfortable. But I, for example, on the example was convinced, that there are signs simply incompatible. For example, the Maiden and Strelets-never will live normally together. Because water cannot be mixed with butter or oil.))) but not all so unequivocally and categorically, Arisha-a sign zodiaka-only one characteristic. There is still a whole heap of personal and personal aspects of planets and znakov-they can soften or toughen others any inherent in the quality symbol... .-that also does not do or make astrological prescriptions for a sign universal. In an ideal, konechno-to make something personally.

26.07.2004, 10:30
The decision of a problem idle time: you deduce or remove everyone under the constellation (better - turns, instead of at once) which approaches or suits more, that yours and which is less too yours, but on the second place.,) here if at all did not approach or suit, and that approaches or suits, but not so is strong.,) from own practice noticed, that as not prochtyot someone to me, that we idialnaja pair, objazjatelno this someone, with whom I would not wish to appear on a desert island (would eat "it or her" in the first week))))))

28.07.2004, 01:13
And yesterday there were small, but on three, and today greater or big, but on five. Here if at me yesterday was three roubles...

29.07.2004, 00:54
We not only space essences! Yes, there are such laws, but it is impossible to go in cycles in them as it is done or made by astrologists. So it is not necessary to simplify a problem or task. And about a choice you throw it: it is illusion, reject both!

Well here
30.07.2004, 09:01
Science. It is not necessary to lean or base at a choice. Are unhappy, only skilfully disappear, even to itself do not admit...))))))

31.07.2004, 07:43
It is simple act of nature - contrary to the horoscopes saying, that at me incompatibility with those or other signs so for all these years and has not found any person with itself incompatible)))) Here and believe them after that (((