
Просмотр полной версии : I still young, devstvinitsa. We with Dimoj are recently familiar, but he wants sex....

25.07.2004, 03:02
I still young, devstvinitsa. We with Dimoj are recently familiar, but he wants sex. What to me to do or make?

25.07.2004, 07:34
If you have a question what to do or make, in sex to you to be engaged it is not necessary yet. Anyway, with Dimoj.

The anonym
26.07.2004, 19:28
It is not necessary to sleep with it or him if it is not assured!!!!!!! Besides if are recently familiar, you in nemne are assured, the first should be that to that you will trust in all

27.07.2004, 05:08
Anyuta! It not love. If the young man cannot communicate with you without sex you and with sex very soon do not become necessary to him. The love is under construction not on it or this. Perhaps, this opinion now and not fashionably, but belief as though did not vary, laws of the nature remain constant. I assure you: this happiness - to be pure or clean, to be liked - to the present. "First" my husband when to me was 23 was my. And I was its or his "first" in it or him 28. And we are very happy. I know, that he me likes first of all that at me inside, the same as also I it or him. I know, that presently it is hard to adhere to such principles. But it costs or stands that. For the sake of momentary happiness you can break the future. In fact the self-respect, sensation of the cleanliness is very important.

27.07.2004, 23:45
I consider or count, he not the man if frankly offers sex. He should pododat while it or this will be not not wanted by you or to propose.
- To me so it seems to an extreme measure (the truth unfortunately, in the 18, 5 years I the virgin (too modest and I am not able to get acquainted with girls)), or I am not right?
hackoffice@yandex. ru

28.07.2004, 15:04
Try to borrow or occupy in a petting, oral sex... Looking that in your concept:.. I still young...

29.07.2004, 13:42
It completely agree with DEAR NINOJ! And more I shall add, that iz-for this time " On Compulsion " you will regret the first very strongly. Think, that it is better: gde-nibud on construction, on gjaznom, cold to a floor " - bystrenkomu ", with any otmorozkom which next day will throw you (namely and will be) and about what you will regret ALL REMAINED LIFE, or on beautiful silk postele with the MOST PERFECT the MAN and the HUSBAND ON ALL WHITE LIGHT and for what you will already not regret never! Think, whether you are ready to give any prohodjage and OZABOCHKE TO SPOIL ALL YOUR LIFE ilinet?! In fact after he YOU, izvenite for expression, OTIMEET, he will go to brag of all and to everyone and your reputation will go by the bottom! And so you should be proud, that do not give the guy, and, for certain, YOUR GIRLFRIENDS TAKE and WILL TAKE From YOU the EXAMPLE, and GUYS, ALL guys, WILL STRONGLY RESPECT with YOU, OSOBENNOVASH BUDUJUSHCHY the HUSBAND (whether in fact you know, that HUSBANDS very much are proud IF THEY were At WIFE PERVIMI And UNIQUE!) And to hurry, I think, there is no place! Do not surrender in no event! HAPPINESS to YOU! By the way, write, how old are you? I too have solved, that I shall go under a wreath "untouched." At me such idea already since a birth is adhered native and I am an expert in It. To me now 15, and for me the sex life is inconceivable until I shall marry! I much about it talk to the girlfriends, and anybody with me does not agree, on the bill " only after a marriage " and speak, that I shall change opinion.......... But I know precisely, that my opinion on this subject never will exchange, and any chelove on ALL WHITE LIGHT cannot overpersuade me!!! And the daughter I shall impart too such PRAVELNYE PRINCIPLES and if there will be a boy I shall learn it to wait from the girl of feedback FULL (sex) only after he to marry her!................ And to all I advise to adhere to it! And With NINOJ I very much Also VERY AGREE!!!! SUCH AS NINA THERE WERE UNITS IN THE WORLD, AND THOSE WHO UNDERSTANDS US!

31.07.2004, 04:10
VASILY, you that future husband who is necessary to me! Here such as you should be much! And then problems at young girls will not be! Remain same what you are now! Girls very much appreciate such MEN, as you! And If you do not have girl it means only that, chtoona yet has not found you, and that still ahead! Such, as YOU without the UNIQUE LIKED WIFE not ostajutsja! I am assured, for you I shall struggle still, and will choose not girls, and you, t. To. Them at you will be much! I sincerely would want, that you would become my husband, t. To. I feel that you accept the WORLD surrounding you also, as well as I, and it am very important!