Просмотр полной версии : Though on a local dialect, but I shall express): ruchenki, j ge...

21.07.2004, 15:42
Though on a local dialect, but I shall express): ruchenki, j get pozakidaju - gra! ruchenki, - videru och , nights, the Lullaby, type))))) is time)))))))

22.07.2004, 18:37
Sleep it is sweet, a swallow. Let the sea will dream you, and on beach McDonald, Mcdonald...

Well here
23.07.2004, 14:34
It is type ridiculously or lyrically?)))

24.07.2004, 07:50
Nuvot, it is necessary pochuvstvovat-then will understand., at me in family a legend till now zhiva-as mum of my great-grandmother rocked to sleep my uncle... " Ljulju-ljulju. .shchob you sdoh. .spy!- dytyna. .von sobachka-gam-din! ")))))))))

24.07.2004, 12:30
Not it is analogy on a joke about the sea, and here you msdonaldtsy have turned up.,) I know, that to you it is not ridiculous, but itself I neigh, I can not stop, mental it, too brightly I represent.))))

Well here
24.07.2004, 20:30
.. " Too humour " () Masjanja...))))

26.07.2004, 10:47
Even someone has died in a dream with a smile on the face. Not that that these or it 33 obosravshihsja the passenger

27.07.2004, 02:00
Well, at you and imagination, mother. Good, has persuaded, podorju to you the last grin, but.... Only after you.,)

Well here
27.07.2004, 22:32
Fantazery, at you misfortune 5?

28.07.2004, 14:14
Well vota. What for prejudices? At me a moustache while okejno

Well here
30.07.2004, 02:52
Yes it is boring, when okejno... At us today mortalnaja subjects)))