Просмотр полной версии : Dobroe vremja sutok! Pomogite mne pojalujsta, proshu Vas. Mne 26 let i ji...

24.07.2004, 17:51
Dobroe vremja sutok!
Pomogite mne pojalujsta, proshu Vas. Mne 26 let i jivu ja v Pitere. Vse nachalos s moej raboti, a mojet i ranshe. Mne kajetsja ja vsegda izlishne smotrel v zerkalo i ljubovalsja soboj. Neskolko let nazad ja otkril svoj krupnij bizness i bistro ego postavil na nogi, dneval i nocheval tam neskolko let, vse eto vremja ne nahodil emocionalnoj razgruzki doma, i prevratilsja v suhuju mashinu po zarabotku deneg. Ushel ot jeni, s kotoroj projil 4 goda. Vot tut pojavilis pervie simptomi - ja nachal pridiratsja k svoej vneshnosti, zamechat morshinki vokrug glaz, eshe chto libo na lice, mne kazalos chto ja diko postarel. No pervoe bilo - dengi est, plasticheskie operacii sdelajut svoe delo, uspokaival sebja etim. Potom poluchil eshe rjad dikih stressov po rabote, lichnoj jizni. Ne imel pokoja nigde - misli o tom chto ja bistro stareju nigde ne pokidali menja. Poterjal kontrol nad svoim biznessom iz za etogo sostojanija i poterjal bizness. Stal uedinjatsja. Vneshne derjal sebja v forme - jizneradostnij molodoj chelovek. Eto dlitsja uje god. I ja dejstvitelno sostaril sebja vneshne svoim negativom - objektivno eto vidno. Samoe interesnoe chto na protjajenii etogo goda v menja vljubljalis i ljubjat ochen mnogie devuchki, nekorie ochen iskrenne, no javseh otvergaju, (t. k. skoro budu sovsem starim i nekrasivim;)) Ja ponimaju chto ljubjat ne za vneshnost, no nichego podelat s soboj ne mogu.
Mir polnostju perevernulsja, ja uje viju chto nikogo k sebe ne podpushu, hotya hochu radovatsja jizni, ja vsegda bil ochen silnij, energichnijmolodoj chelovek, uspeshnij vo vseh nachinanijah, chem sejal zavist vokrug sebja.
A teper odni misli o uedinenii, vozmojno monashestve, ja ogradil sebja ot vseh i poterjal interes k jizni, pomogite. Ja prosto ne viju vihoda dlja sebja - ja nikomu ne verju, chto menja mojno ljubit, hotja ochen dobrij, porjadochnij i otkritij. Tri psihologa ne mogut mne nichego sdelat. Komuto eto pokajetsja smeshnim, no menja eto lomaet, ja pogibaju. Ochen jdu. Hotja dogadivajus o chem vi napishete.
Spasibo vam zaranee.

26.07.2004, 03:48
At you obvious attributes of depression. It or she should be treated. And pljus-that is concrete you does not arrange in your appearance? Morshchiny-for the man it even an ornament, in extreme sluchae-consult with the cosmetician, you can use a cream from folds. Features litsa-well you to yourselves make plasty, eventually. And potom-is so much remarkable literatury-pol Bregg, Malakhov, Semenova, whether yes is not enough... Go in for sports, think up own system of maintenance of in forme-from a delivery up to physical activity. Let at you will be edinomyshlenniki-here and the competitive spirit will be present, and not so it will be boring. Girls while are postponed up to the best vremen-anything good by you it or him while cannot give, it ochevidno-then when will feel, that leave the sostojanija-then can afford attitudes or relations with the woman without risk to wound it or her and to tire out or drive in greater deadlock of. And, here still vspomnila-yoga zajmites-only the good teacher najdite-fantastic results, I now on the sea had a rest with one zhenshchinoj-63 years. She on a twine with start has a seat, she does or makes such, that adult young men plant with arms or hand! By the way, I continue to communicate with her because I too support or maintain in myself aspiration to sovershenstvu-as fizicheskomu-and duhovnomu-about what it is not necessary to forget. So chto-success to you, the main thing to find the necessary road, and she will result or bring you in all good, that only can be given in a life.

26.07.2004, 18:39
Joga, meditacija (ja pitajus zanimatsja etim) - eto vse vedet k moemu ueduneniju - a skolko radosti ja ranshe prinosil ljudjam svoim obscheniem. U menja mujestvennaja vneshnost, ja zakaljajus i zanimajus sportom - vse eto kakaja to navjazchivost - strah prejdevremennoj starosti.
Spasibo Vam vi ochen otzivchivie.
A gde ja mog bi prochitat o psihologah-kognitivistah?

The mouse
27.07.2004, 10:27
Narcissus?!))) and, seriously, to you of 26 years, and you try to discover at yourselves morshchinki and it poisons to you a life... I, for example, am firmly convinced, that young men look or appear much more interestingly boys. And in general, and here morshchinki?! You like girls, you like, and this or thus the most important. Think of the appearance Less, and to live to you begins proshe, and problems will decrease. Besides when the man gives enhanced attention of the appearance, it kak-that is abnormal (egoism and narcissism). And is better find to itself the girl who to you will constantly repeat what you clever and beautiful))) you, by the way, on a horoscope It is not left?

27.07.2004, 15:14
Mojt i narciss;) Mne vse ravno kak eto nazivat - eto silnee menja, i ja sam ne mogu s etim spravitsja.
S anglijskim u menja ne ochen.

28.07.2004, 01:33
Mojt i narciss;) Mne vse ravno kak eto nazivat - eto silnee menja, i ja sam ne mogu s etim spravitsja.
S anglijskim u menja ne ochen k sojaleniju (.

28.07.2004, 09:40
Years in 15, probably, everyone has such problems, a nose not such, legs or foots thin, a figure inconsistent, ears greater or big. But kak-all this safely passes or takes place that... Especially with the years men become more beautiful. And not iz-for plastic operations. It the boom recently has gone, all something to clean or remove, tighten, etc. Look or See at actors of the last years. I at all do not speak about actors of 50 60 years. Now, for example, Mikhalkov, Shirvindt look or appear not worse, and even more attractively, than in a youth. You, probably, one thousand times heard a phrase: " Appearance - not the main thing ". But same the truth! To my husband 40 years, he complains, that at it or him a fold near eyes (but it at all does not spoil it or him), and eyes have darkened from this serious life, steel not such clear as were earlier, but it has no at all what value or meaning;importance!!! At vas-that, certainly, a problem another. You it is more, than it is necessary have gone in cycles in itself. Even, apparently, for acknowledgement or confirmation of own solvency try vljubit in itself of all associates (and, probably, it is successful enough), but it opjat-taki does not bring desirable satisfaction... Can to you psychological methods and will not help or assist, can to you it is simple on a head nastuchat... Excuse, for roughness, and it is pure or clean - chelovecheski, I would advise to read classics, it is more to communicate with other people, but not for self-affirmation, and is simple so...

29.07.2004, 20:37
Spasibo Vam vsem. Debil ja kakoj to;)