Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! I am ill or sick very much for a long time, nachaloss all with small slabos...

26.07.2004, 23:11
Hello, the doctor! I am ill or sick very much for a long time, nachaloss all from small delicacy, and now excruciate constant giddinesses, delicacy very strong, weariness (sleepiness), a flaccidity, pulse all time 90 100, extremities cold and wet (at night normal). Analyses in norm or rate, the conclusion after REG, EEG: dysfunction of diencephalic structures or frames of a vascular genesis. Final diagnz: VSD, the expressed vegetative neurosis and an asthenoneurotic syndrome. Treated Pyracetamum and Seduxenum. Some years already I sit at home, I live effort of will. What it for illness or disease such and how from it or her if to not recover though it is a little to raise or increase working capacity?

Tolokonin A.O.
29.07.2004, 17:34
It is obligatory to connect a psychotherapy. If live in Moscow, to enter the name to me on reception it is possible by phone: 367 69 08 (09) mediko-the psychological center Family + . If wish to cause or call on the house or office, write on E-Mail: tolokonin@mtu-net. ru
Tolokonin Artem Olegovich psihiatr-the psychotherapist.