Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, to the child (daughter) 3, 5 years. Half a year back I have divorced from its or her father. At...

26.07.2004, 10:01
Tell or Say, to the child (daughter) 3, 5 years. Half a year back I have divorced from its or her father. At them very warm attitudes or relations though he comes few times to a month. But she often asks about itself, whether I like it or him, why. I speak her the truth (how much or as far as it is to probably such child). We live together, she, feeling me, bacon podigryvat, govorja-at all of us it will be good, and the daddy is not necessary to us, let itself lives, and that he smokes also beer with djadjami drinks. But to its or his arrival that is very much pleased, and after always plpchet. How to be, how with her to speak about itself? In fact before divorce I ate their move to pull together... How to help or assist the child and whether such rare or infrequent daddy (2 times a month for 1 1, 5 hours) is necessary? I wait. Thanks...

Kiseleva E.J.
27.07.2004, 18:21
Hello, Lija! It is unequivocally necessary and not only at this age, but also then, when a daughter podrastet. It is very good, that you managed to save with it or him good relations and to not separate from the daughter. As to podygryvanija from a daughter, this normal behaviour of the child, t. To. The love and attachment to the father, she boitsja to offend you. But you should her explain, that she can like and you and the daddy odinakogo and from it or this yours to her the attitude or relation to her to not change.

28.07.2004, 12:43
spasibo, no ja i sama jejo jesco revnuju k nemu. ja ocenj jejo ljublju i ne hocu, chtob ona bila k nemu tak privjazana, on ne dostoen togo. on prihodit paru raz za mesjac (pri etom naslazdajasj voljnoj ziznju) na chasik, uhodit, vidja jejo sljozi i zamecateljno sebja cuvstvuet. pri tom jesco raz v nedelju k dochke prijezzaet svekrovj, ona vsegda jezdila chasto i dumaju, eto sohranitsja (situacija takova, chto vrjadli u muza budut jesco deti, on ushjol izza svjazi s muzchinami). ne znaju, u menja dikaja obida na nego za vranjo i takoje predatelstvo, hocetsaj voobsche jego vicerknutj iz nasej zizni... spasibo.

28.07.2004, 17:02
You - remarkable mum, and the main thing in it or this will be - that you remarkable mum! And the daddy - he always the daddy. Only another's people are considered or examined;surveyed in a context of their attitudes or relations with muzhchinami/women...
You understand all:) endure only:)

29.07.2004, 10:59