Просмотр полной версии : zdrastvujte, the doctor! My husband (at us a difference in the age of 15 years in it or him polz...

12.07.2004, 05:14
zdrastvujte, the doctor!
My husband (at us the difference in the age of 15 years in its or his advantage or benefit) constantly shouts, rolls up a hysterics, does not talk to me, etc.
Thus approves or confirms, that likes me. Prompt, as from it or this to be protected.

The anonym
12.07.2004, 10:59
To think it was necessary, when for the old man in marriage left. To search for the husband it is necessary, that was more senior no more, than for 10 years, and that is a lot of. At it or him a climacterium already, the life leaves, and you young, here and rage. And further will be worse.

To the previous anonym
13.07.2004, 09:57
I shall dare to disagree with you. A difference in the age of in 15 years in this case not a key problem. To simply you coevals are closer on spirit, and I for example like men much more, is more senior than me years on 10 15 and it is possible even is more senior. And I do not consider or count them old men. And what, if the Wood of years 25 to him 40, and you in old men write down it or him??? And the climacterium at men is shown a little differently, than at women, without cries and hysterics. Though and among men byvat hysteric women. Mature the man is always better, than the young silly person.

16.07.2004, 11:47
So silly persons can be and all of you, dear anonyms. One melet about programs, another about silly persons, actually penetrate into a short, the person always shouts, same psychiatric otklonenie-a hysteria and not to us vystvavljat diagnoses.

To Anka
19.07.2004, 22:18
Here also do not expose diagnoses. And on the person I advise to not pass. To data: Isterija-MENTAL (instead of psychiatric, feel a difference:)))) the frustration, described loss or change of any corporal functions, for example visions, hearing or speech, without organic (physical) the reasons for occurrence of these signs. At a hysteria obviously demonstrative behaviour is observed: at weak intensity of experiences their external expression has excessive exaggeration (cries, crying, syncopes), that is focused on attraction to itself of attention of other people. To establish or install intensity and expressions of experiences the expert, or the close person can. And who after that from us the silly person, and, Anka? NOT KNOWING FORD be not put In WATER!:)))))))))

21.07.2004, 04:33
I advise to esteem: http: // sexology. hut. ru/ms7. html
I hope, it will clear for you the picture which has developed in your family and will help or assist you! Success!

24.07.2004, 06:53
On May, 07th 2004 12 : 45 : 39
Here also esteem the previous post proceeding from which it has been written about silly persons. And mental or psiziatricheskaja problema-it is not so important, for the perverted mentality always on an edge of an edge and pogranichit with psychiatry precisely. It is necessary to be able not write, but also to understand people. I wished to offend nobody, and have only taken a great interest tsitiroaniem your silly statements so who does not know to ford, here sit and do not scrape! To write off or copy from knizhki-it to not understand and help or assist yet to the person!!! In in the given situation we do not know much, but in any case there is a reason from which the husband so conducts itself. Also it is not necessary to think, if the husband is more senior for 10 15 20 years, that it or he cannot have a new love on the party or side, and here then write was gone, from it or this both a hysterics and discontent with the wife and cries. If the woman asks as to be protected from own half... .umolkaju...

To Anka
26.07.2004, 03:31
That you stop - is unique correct: 0)

29.07.2004, 10:39
On May, 09th 2004 11 : 23 : 29
Listen, the little fool, your personal hostility does not mean that you are right. To me on a drum or reel your opinion, for that modet the nobility spetskorsha a dummy in 22 years? Blunt, spiteful and greedy creation. Yes be not jealous you so, at it or him us millions, and you only an instant in its or his picture and that not the most attractive. Grow thin better, and that all poison or venom will be exhausted than then to sting will begin? And of the tastes take care, you as chuvyrlo though to put on learn! Mu-mu!