Просмотр полной версии : Hello doctor Georges Gorbotov. He/she is daddy Ani. I have bought or purchased paksil, as you and...

27.07.2004, 19:10
Hello doctor Georges Gorbotov. He/she is daddy Ani. I have bought or purchased paksil as you and have told or said. Before drinking, we send or have come to consult to the psychotherapist. He has tested Anju, has talked to her and the simple neurosis has told or said, that it or her, anything seryoznogo and zappretil to us to drink paksil. Has read through to us aloud side effects and has told or said, that if we want, that our child became - to the present of patients, prust pyot but if that he became by healthy in no event. Has registered Relanium and Elenium. Has told or said, that tranquilizers are safe in this case. Now I do not know what to do or make. You speak one, he another. I am simple in a bewilderment. He has told or said, that it is impossible to expose tochnyjd iagnoz on the Internet, necessary to hear a voice and speech of the patient. And so... He on speech Ani has defined or determined, that is not present any seryoznyh otkloeneny, at it or her prekarsnaja speech, thinking, etc. And is awkward age. A neurosis of obsessional statuses. As he has told or said, as a last resort will have simply to resemble to it or him;them receptions. How to be?

The anonym
27.07.2004, 23:57
The daddy! Do not cripple a daughter, the doctor of the rights, such serious preparation should appoint or nominate, seeing the person.

28.07.2004, 21:36
This psychotherapist is not right! Descend or go to the psychiatrist. Besides I can assure you that d-ru Gorbatov can be trusted (he not only the brilliant expert, but also the present or true altruist, at it or him is not present reasons of benefit - even because he helps or assists gratuitously), let's talk about in what the one whom you have visited or attended was wrong. The first - he contradicts to itself(himself). Namely, recognizing, that at it or her the neurosis and as obtrusivenesses, at the same time speaks, what is it " anything serious " (by the way, does not happen "simply" neurosises. Though if to compare to a schizophrenia then certainly, is simple":-)). The second: In occasion of paksila. Such impression, that the person has aimed to misinform patients, thus pochemu-that trying them to intimidate. So. paksil - the preparation of the first choice shown for such problems, as "simply" neurosis with obtrusivenesses. Further: paksil it is an antidepressant, a medicine which simply will not be compared on safety to tranquilizers. Remember, tranquilizers are just more serious, besides cause narcotic dependence! Preparations, type paksila, probably to give children. About pobochek - paksil it is considered just most "lung" in this respect. An abundance poboch. Effects in the summary - it is caused or called basically, legal reasons, t. e. firma-the manufacturer tries to list, that only is possible or probable to secure itself on cases of any attempts to carp and open proceeding (in fact full irresponsible people, a cat. For example, wash down tablets with alcohol, do not watch or keep up combinations with dr. Medicines, behind keepings of a dosage, a regularity, etc.) . And in general, poboch. Effects at many people does not arise at all, or it is a little of them, but they in any case vremenny. The third: that to you he has written out, most likely, will not approach or suit from an obtrusiveness. The fourth: he criticizes " the diagnosis on the Internet ". Also diagnoses....... On speech?! At what here its or his words what it or she " does not have deviations or rejections, perfect speech and thinking "? In fact it also does not contradict anything, in it or this anybody, most likely and did not doubt (and why actually? More likely, even very much the other way, to neurosises people deep often are subject, is thin conceiving, sensitive, with rich imagination)..... Similar, nevertheless that psychotherapist on "normalnost" checked the girl, by the way, it well explains also expression "simply" neurosis:-)) But in fact in its or her sanity nobody doubts, whether not so? And the last. What means, " as a last resort it is necessary to resemble to it or him;them receptions "? That he explained to her, what navjazchivochti is only obtrusivenesses that she " itself has thought properly "? So in fact she and so understands their all illogicality. Navjazchivozti on that also is, that do not give in to the control of mind or wit, logic, and are imposed subconsciously... .mozhno, certainly, to resemble to it or him;them, to look or see, that will be... .prosto that then it has not turned out, that it would be easier to tell or say, that " is better let it should to be treated simply "... It is a pity to waste time. But to solve - to you. Success!