Просмотр полной версии : If you will pick up a hungry dog and will make its or her life full, she never...

10.07.2004, 01:29
If you will pick up a hungry dog and will make its or her life full, she never will bite you. In it or this a basic difference between a dog and the woman.))

10.07.2004, 20:20
To the person was always necessary not only bread but also shows - here to bite feeding arm or hand this or thus one of the strongest shows)))

11.07.2004, 20:12
Show effective for looking and taking from an arm or a hand)
And what pushes the full woman on this sting?)

Well here
13.07.2004, 11:49
It and tolkaet-bent for to effects)))

The fox
14.07.2004, 02:44
This can feeding too much wants for the forage? Gives small, and demands in exchange all soul?

14.07.2004, 14:10
The fox, gallantly! Giving never should wait from it or this for any feedback, you know, govorjat-" that otdash-that yours ". My God, as disgustingly and disgustingly here it nyte-"feeding", "biting"..... nja all this on vegetable oil, struggle in a spaghetti. .hochesh davat-give. Something is not pleasant - turn and leave.

Well here
14.07.2004, 16:43
At women in general a lot of paradoxical. (((here the some people have a pathological directly aspiration to " to reception in a snout ". Than obosnovano-I do not know.

15.07.2004, 08:08
Well here, you are right, there is such desire, arms or hand are scratched. At at whom the snout is scratched on fists, choose husbands irresolute and cowardly that it or this to avoid.

16.07.2004, 09:58
I at all do not understand, how it is possible for the woman with whom something connects or binds you " to give in a snout "? And how about then longly to be expectorated? And voobshche-it is conversation? How much time I govorju-nravitsja-eat. Not nravitsja-turn and leave. Really it so is complex or difficult?

17.07.2004, 02:04
Ah, that is why you so it is insuperable pulls and pulls on dogs... Yes, they are many times more worthy and blagodarnee than naive women with gentle bodies...

18.07.2004, 17:07
Ah, that is why you so it is insuperable pulls and pulls on dogs... Yes, they are many times more worthy and blagodarnee than naive women with gentle bodies... And I thought, what is it is called as a zoophilia

19.07.2004, 23:42
Two things move men on a life and in attitudes or relations with women. Pavor and subconscious feeling of the incompetence. If the man it is silly, in addition still the plebeian up to a brain kosti-that so these feelings and will operate or control it or him all life, obsequiously offering or suggesting a corresponding or meeting female society. And building poor otnoshenija-" dat-to take, give in a snout ". The person will always press in itself these pavors that they on have knocked down it or him.

21.07.2004, 14:13
Calibre, at your girlfriend very beautiful black mastiff!)

22.07.2004, 10:42
Okej!! I recently only, for the first time have understood a man's position - to give in a snout!!! Well not in a snout in itself, certainly, and so, it wanted to me directly physical help... Also know why??? I explain... When you feel, that the person does not understand you, and you are assured or confident for yourself, that speak is quick-witted, then here and there is a similar desire!!! CHesno!!! I yet do not know English tongue in perfection, but once we had technical conversation concerning different trifles of construction... Certainly, I could not explain some things is accessible to consciousness of my husband... And here, it its or his misunderstanding of my idea in English interpretation is probable already deduced or removed me, and... And I spojmala myself on that idea, that I now wish it or him to push legs or foots!! Strongly!!! At this time I laid on a sofa, and he sat at my legs or foots on a sofa. VAU!!! AS I wanted it or him turit!!!))) and it was for the first time in my life... And all because could not find other method what to allow him to understand me!!! And here, my friends, also are the reasons of type In the SNOUT.... Now I can understand... And in fact all of us it is known, how is silly women much... And if the man hardly hardly grow wiser, - here to you and the aggressive conflict...-in a snout...))

24.07.2004, 03:01
And I once zasandalila koe-to that a boot in a teapot... But on tyshchu percent or interests it was right. This then complained koe-who, that och the teapot hurts.

24.07.2004, 07:17
Not robjaty... et wildness or absurdity... As prove in a snout to give nizzzzja.... It is necessary two times and under letters or all - not destiny, leave and do not waste time. And in a snout will not be more clear and obidnee extremely...

25.07.2004, 15:09
Certainly, it is wildness or absurdity to dismiss arms or hand, but in rare or infrequent cases is admissible to push in a forehead or to give pendalsh under zho... At.

Well here
26.07.2004, 21:52
Here business not in persuasiveness of arguments, and in the equipment or installation of a position. In turnip those who behaves in family receive as deti-try to expand borders of admissible m receive punishment for it (and with a view of own safety). And here present such lady who gets on muzhichka-a cloth and expands or dilates and expands or dilates, and he suffers or bears all and suffers or bears... (((in what is it will pour out, represent? The Sad picture.

Well here
28.07.2004, 15:04
Dzhimnik, as at you patetichno-that! The Cry through sopli!...)))