Просмотр полной версии : I do not know as to perceive that fact, that women and girls like to speak m...

20.07.2004, 14:11
I do not know as to perceive that fact, that women and girls like to speak me mucks to face. For example, " Oh well you also have grown fat " (a burden 42 clothing size) or " yes at you that will not be got on, it will not turn out " and so on. The most insulting, friends what is it speak. And from other women, even I it do not hear enemies. Here also it turns out that I like the enemies more, than girlfriends. At kago-nibud still there were such situations? Also what you think of it or this?

The anonym
21.07.2004, 16:01
It is cleanly female nature. It not girlfriends, and your friends, it those people which are pleased to yours I burn. You are connected or bound with them with friendship of a youth about which to you pleasantly to recollect.

22.07.2004, 16:29
From the point of view of biology if something bites you, it, most likely, a female.

Scott Cruise

23.07.2004, 08:35
It horosho-if so speak, znachit-envy, with. .chki fine, and time zavidujut-means, at you something is better than at others. I had a friend whom govorila-" You will not enter University " - I postupila-" You will not finish " - I have finished, " You will not marry it or him " - I have left, have passed or have taken place years 8 9 and what we have?-sits, fat as the cow of meat breed, from the house not vylazit as superfluous, has in absentia finished most zanjuhannyj faculty most zanjuhannogo instituta-the whole den-prepares, guzzles and erases. Malicious on vse-on the fat sides, on become swollen rjahu, on the child who is similar on " over .loch the mother-in-law ", and on muzha-which " d. Beat, the drunkard and a goat ".

The anonym
23.07.2004, 12:18
Herring it is opposite to read you, muzhiks goats, those svolchi, other cattles, among their moron + any pidafil. And you who then?

Well here
24.07.2004, 23:23
Well and girlfriends at you, the Herring)))))

26.07.2004, 12:24
To anonymous essence:-was oppositely chitat-do not read. And if you read - that read a context, and then start a muzzle to knit the site.) Nuvot: you-know, at times it seems to me, that some people with whom we communicate as roditelej-do not choose.)

The anonym
27.07.2004, 01:41
Etosge eshe vam dokazatelstvo shto y Vas vse horosho, pravelno zamesheno - eto prosto zavist.

28.07.2004, 10:26
At me lifelong such situation. pokaja has not understood in what here business and not porazgonjala all girlfriends to edrene a hair drier! ZAVIDNO IT or HIM!!!!!!! And all here. Do not puzzle. Be guided better by another's experience.