Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Whether there is a dependence from Miksidola? And whether it is possible it or him primenja...

25.07.2004, 09:08
Hello. Whether there is a dependence from Miksidola? And whether it is possible to apply it or him some months?

Bobrov A.E.
26.07.2004, 22:01
I remember, that this preparation was used about 15 years ago during approbation. But has forgotten, he concerns to what group. It seems, what is it an antidepressant. Then to it or him;them dependence it is not formed. If I am mistaken, send me a repetition of the summary on it or him (bobrov@atom. ru). - to mine, this preparation in a chemist's network now is absent. Anyway neither in directories, nor on the Internet about itself is not present words.

27.07.2004, 06:22
Meksidola the tablets covered by an environment, 0, 125 g
Tab. of item about. 0, 125 g; 98/21/4
The latin name: Tabulettae Mexidoli obductae 0, 125 g
Operating or Working substance: Oksimetiletilpiridina a succinate (Oxymethylethylpiridine succinate)
Pharmacological groups: antigipoksanty and antioxidants. Agents for correction of disturbances at an alcoholism, toksiko-and narcomanias
Period of validity: 2 years
Conditions of storage: the List.
The description of operating or working substance (MNN) Oksimetiletilpiridina a succinate (Oxymethylethylpiridine succinate)
The chemical name: 2 Etil-6 metil-3 oksipiridina a succinate
The characteristic: White or white with kremovatym a shade a crystalline powder. We shall easily dissolve in water.
Pharmacology: Pharmacological action - antioxidatic, membranostabilizirujushchee, nootropnoe, tserebroprotektivnoe, adaptogennoe, anksioliticheskoe. Brakes perekisnoe oxidation of lipids, raises or increases activity of antioxidatic system, activates energosintezirujushchie functions of mitochondrions, improves a power exchange in a cell, promotes maintenance of a level of macroergs, including at a stressful hypoxia. Makes active or will activate intracellular synthesis of fiber and nucleic acids, enzymatic processes of cycle Krebsa, promotes recycling a glucose, synthesis and intracellular accumulation ATF. Restores structure or frame and functions of membranes, renders modulating influence on membranosvjazannye enzymes, ionic channels, transport systems nejromediatorov, receptor complexes, including GAMK-benzodiazepine, atsetilholinovyj, improves sinapticheskuju transfer and interrelation of structures or frames of a brain.
Improves a metabolism and blood supply of a brain, rheologic properties of a blood and microcirculation, functioning of immune system, suppresses aggregation of thrombocytes. Renders antigipoksicheskoe, tserebroprotektivnoe, anksioliticheskoe, antistressornoe, nootropnoe (improvement of memory, attention, mental working capacity), antihypnotic, antialcoholic, anticonvulsant, protivoparkinsonicheskoe, vegetotropnoe action. Lowers a level of the general or common cholesterin and LPNP and causes regress of atherosclerotic changes in arteries (gipolipidemicheskoe and antiatherogenous action). Possesses antiischemic properties: improves a blood flow, limits a zone of ischemic damage and stimulates reparativnye processes. Raises or Increases a resistance of an organism to influence of extreme factors and kislorodozavisimym to pathological statuses, such as a shock, stress, deprivation of a dream, a hypoxia, disturbances of a cerebral circulation, a brain injury, an ischemia, an electroshock, physical and mental overloads, disputed situations, intoxications (ethanol, etc.). Slows down process of ageing. Antialcoholic action is shown in protrezvljajushchem effect and depression of motivation and used for a cupping of an abstinent syndrome and treatment of acute poisonings. Simultaneous reception with alcohol does not aggravate intoxication, and prevents it or him. Reduces a resistance to psychotropic preparations and strengthens their action that causes an opportunity of decrease of therapeutic doses and probabilities of development of by-effects. radioprotektornye properties can be used with the preventive purpose at the raised or increased degree of radiation.
In experimental and clinical platsebo-controllable researches high efficiency oksimetiletilpiridina a succinate in complex therapy of an ischemic insult (100 1000 mg/sut v/in dropwise or driply), shown is shown by retrogress of frustration of consciousness and attributes of vasculomotor instability, acceleration of restoration of impellent functions.
At children including or incorporation of a preparation (10 mg/kg/sut inside) in the scheme or plan of therapy neparoksizmalnoj nadzheludochkovoj tachycardias and a syndrome of delicacy of the sinus site raised or increased efficiency of treatment on the average on 20 27 %.
The opportunity of application in complex treatment acute gnojno-inflammatory processes of an abdominal cavity is shown: an acute destructive pancreatitis, a peritonitis (Vasilev I., etc., 2000, Ivanov., etc., 2000).
Indications: Acute and chronic disturbances of a cerebral circulation, including an ischemic insult and its or his consequences; distsirkuljatornaja an encephalopathy, a vegeto-vascular dystonia; psychosomatic diseases; neurotic and neurosolike frustration with display of alarm, pavor, an emotional strain; dysmnesias and attention, disturbance of mental working capacity; mental and neurologic diseases in advanced age, an atherosclerosis of vessels of a brain; a cupping of the alcoholic abstinent syndrome, accompanied neurosolike and vegetativno-vascular frustration; an acute intoxication neuroleptics.
Contraindications: the Hypersensitivity to oksimetiletilpiridina to a succinate i/or to a pyridoxine, acute disturbances of function of a liver and kidneys.
Application at pregnancy and feeding by a breast: Sufficient clinical experience of application at pregnancy and during feeding by a breast is absent.
Side effects: the Nausea, a bitter taste and dryness in a mouth, a sleepiness.
Overdosage: Data on cases of an overdosage for the present or true moment are absent.
Way of application and dose: Apply v/m or v/in (strujno or it is dropwise).
V/in strujno (during 5 7 mines) or it is dropwise (60 drops in a minute), as a dissolvent apply water to injections. A dose select individually. An initial dose on 50 100 mg 1 3 times day, further a dose gradually raise or increase before reception of therapeutic effect. The maximal dose - up to 800 mg/days
Acute disturbance cerebral circulations (insult): v/in dropwise or driply 200 300 mg/sut in the first 2 4 days, then v/m on 100 mg 3 times day.
Distsirkuljatornaja an encephalopathy and a vegeto-vascular dystonia: v/m on 50 100 mg 3 times day.
Abstinent syndrome: on 100 200 mg v/m 2 3 times day or v/in dropwise 1 2 once a day.
Neurotic and neurosolike frustration: v/m 50 400 mg/days
Treatment of an atherosclerotic aphrenia at patients of advanced age - v/m 100 300 mg/days At an acute intoxication neuroleptics - 300 500 mg/sut v/in strujno.
Special indicatings: It is recommended to people which activity is connected with job in the extreme and complicated situations (military men, workers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Measures, rescuers, sportsmen, climbers, etc.).

Bobrov A.E.
28.07.2004, 07:39
This preparation does not cause or cause dependence. Preparations such are usually calculated on multimonthly application.