Просмотр полной версии : Hello, my groom to all is jealous awfully me, at all I do not know that to me...

16.07.2004, 22:45
Hello, my groom to all is jealous awfully me, at all I do not know that to me to do or make, and then itself from it or this muchietsja, and itself sometimes starts to believe in that that to me we say lies about me. And in general he can vzryvatsja iz-for anything, is simple so, it can is possible lecht, prompt.

The anonym
19.07.2004, 04:52
Excuse, but I neochen have understood you???

22.07.2004, 16:22
Simply I feel that I should him help or assist, as he very much mucheitsja with the jealousy, but, alas, I do not know as him to help or assist. It can is simple nerves, can eat methods of treatment of this neurosis, whether that. I have ceased where that to go, have practically thrown university as all time seems to him, that only guys there look at me, like I would not give an occasion, as have grown in Muslim family where praktcheski everyone forbid to me.

The anonym
24.07.2004, 20:46
So he can to you is simple does not trust, time so is jealous?? In fact eslib trusted, you would be quiet for you, that not pojdyosh on the party or side!! YOU to him explain, what is it the NATURE... .chto to forbid someone to look at you it is impossible, in fact the opposite floor will be always rendered with signs on attention... This all is natural!!

27.07.2004, 21:41
Will be then worse. On myself I know ((It is not treated!! Me in general anywhere do not start up one, even to the girlfriend! I on job, from job home and only!!! And we 9 years together. And if I shall be late at job (on job) are insults, suspicion, etc. is shorter, success! And patiences (it is required to you)!!