Просмотр полной версии : The problem consists that we with the husband very boringly live. Mine rasporja...

22.07.2004, 12:03
The problem consists that we with the husband very boringly live. My daily routine usually such - rabota-dom-preparation uzhina-televizor-a dream, at muzha-rabota-dom-game on kompjutere-a dream. Here so pass or take place our everyday lives, and in fact to us only and children at us while are not present 25 years. Would like the child, but almost year of any results. Friends at us for today's time it is possible to tell or say is not present. Usually we met two pairs or steams, but at them now small children. They practically do not call to us, and when we sami-at them that are not present time iz-for children, still any business or affairs. The husband offers nothing, I too am tired it or him kuda-that to call. And together too it is dullishly constant, will agree. Soon new year, people plan, and we have nobody even to celebrate. In the 25 years I feel on all 40 years!!! The husband whether accepts such life, whether he hopes for me, that I shall find the company for New year and then he will simply agree and so sits in front of the personal computer and all. Prompt how to live further? How to make the life various? And how vse-taki to celebrate adequately 2003? (can at someone there were similar situations, share!!!)

23.07.2004, 01:24
You describe me 3 years ago after crossing or moving to new city and before the son was born. You probably and married some years? By and large the child will change all, something will be difficult but not skushno and every day brand new.
And for new year go kudanibud together, on skis to go for a drive for example...

Well here
24.07.2004, 01:15
Aha... Also will be iskat-she the company, and muzh-a computer. It is necessary to sit down and talk seriously to it or him, it seems to me. Frankly.

24.07.2004, 06:58
And to talk till a birth of the child. It is necessary to give birth or travail to the child osoznanno. Understanding, that both the spouse of it or this wish and to provide in a status to him love and sufficient attention. New year can be spent in cafe. A night club to jerk in other city and to spend rabietic night in hotel... And the TV and a computer of the husband needs to be replaced with walks under the moon, a karaoke, joint preparation of a supper, driving on rollers, skates, campaigns at cinema, in theatre muzkomedii, exotic sex, collecting pazzlov, design of an apartment, walks on supermarkets... It is a lot of on what. But in common. Paint the plan for evenings of the next week on Sundays together. Otherwise - raspolzetsja family. Precisely. Even, if there will be a kid.

Buharov J.M.
25.07.2004, 09:45
Hello, Masha! I think, your problem consists of two interconnected parts. Vo-the first, a problem of the general or common monotony, monotony of your daily occurrence. Such problem arises, usually, in situations uteri intelligence of a life, or it or her nesformirovannosti - when current cares prevent to reflect on the main thing: about sense of this daily existence. Vo-the second, probably, you with your spouse make rather widespread mistake or error, characteristic for relatives each other people: similar, both of you have solved, that already enough well each other know, that you have nothing to learn or find out about each other more, there is nothing and there is no need to surprise each other - having forgotten thus, that each person - infinitely many-sided essence, and on a mutual recognition will not suffice the whole life. Actually, the decision of the second part of a problem will help or assist to solve the first: if you again will turn the face to each other your mutual knowledge will give deep sense of your joint life.

The clever man
26.07.2004, 12:54
I offer here that:
For New Year it is possible and it is necessary to go to inexpensive travel (it is possible and in Dear if agents are).
Where? It is possible in Vladimir, to Pskov, In Peter (there now all orestavriovali speak, and - to mine any Exhibitions are outlined in the Hermitage)...
It is possible to Baltic to Riga (inexpensive rounds - www. krugozor. ru (only do not think, that I - their advertising agent)) am possible to Egypt - search on the Internet gorjashchujuju for the permit.

Concerning to that to you the doctor has told or said - think seryozno, it is similar you really do not see sense of life...
Recollect - in a youth you for certain about chyom-that dreamed, in something took a great interest or were fond... For certain you liked what that a science when you studied in HIGH SCHOOL.
Recollect, how much on light of not read through books, at last.

Though, certainly, without frank conversation with the husband all aforesaid is not meaningful....