Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist who can! I constantly redden (at dialogue, at....). As to me...

23.07.2004, 19:12
Help or Assist who can! I constantly redden (at dialogue, at....). How to me izbasitsja from it or this?

25.07.2004, 07:47
And what for? It is your individuality... All people different and anything bad in it or this is not present. Success!

Buharov J.M.
26.07.2004, 02:15
Hello, Kostja! First of all, try to understand: than, actually, you so are confused with this excessive blush or colour? Quite probably, that after quiet reflection you will find or consider this occasion to confusion absolutely insignificant. As consequence or investigation - will cease you so to excite your blush or colour and oslabnet. And in these reflections it is reasonable to pay attention to two aspects: vo-the first, that a blush or colour - no more, than simply trifle; vo-the second, that he gives also some advantages - we shall tell or say, in dialogue with ladies, giving some original charm.