Просмотр полной версии : How to explain to 4 years or summer child that it is impossible to take another's things without demand....

24.07.2004, 01:26
How to explain to 4 years or summer child that it is impossible to take another's things without demand.

25.07.2004, 00:14
I stole with 4 till 10 years. At the grandmother svoej-money, at parents dengi-bought hren everyone and said lies godlessly. At maminoj girlfriends has filched gold. That with me only not delali-to the psychologist drove, talked, abused, the neighbour the cop dressed up, in a boarding school for juvenile criminals ostensibly carried, from the house expelled, I wrote receipts, mamulka me even for legs or foots headfirst trjasla-dead or sickly number or room. In 10 let-as cut off. Pereros. Now patholologically I hate brehunov and thieves. I myself have as an example resulted or brought it. And you, mummy, solve, depending on a situation as how to explain to the child.