Просмотр полной версии : Why the person always sincerely concerns to the person who is more unfortunate than it or him...

16.07.2004, 19:22
Why the person always sincerely concerns to the person who is more unfortunate than it or him, and sends him various advice or councils of calm and various references...? And then, hates it or him when he becomes happier than it or him???????
Why??? I want yours inetnogo the invisible analysis.

17.07.2004, 07:45
All depends on the person! What means " hates, when he becomes happier than it or him "? It Means, forgive or excuse, not the person. Normal and well-educated will simply be glad or pleased, and even in ideas will not admit or allow such bosh! On one (some) all do not judge. Sincerely to another concern not only who unfortunate, and sincere, - to the present the sincere person who is capable to calm and even to help or assist a difficult minute.

18.07.2004, 01:46
At once I shall make a reservation, that at all - - to a miscellaneous. Concerning to a question all is simple. When such people see, that someone is worse, than to it or him;them, it, probably, pleases. And when the situation varies, and the person becomes happier helping or assisting, it afflicts. Kto-someone from great has told or said, that friends are learnt just not in a trouble, and in pleasure. For sincerely to be glad or pleased for another it is much more complex or difficult, than to help or assist him with a trouble....

It is class it is told or said!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!
19.07.2004, 17:19
Kto-someone from great has told or said, that friends are learnt just not in a trouble, and in pleasure.

21.07.2004, 01:14
It is unique, Ilma......

21.07.2004, 19:23
There is a human feature which very much irritates me, it to speak: the Pier, I know you women all of you such or on the contrary, muzhiks identical and we know all, that it is necessary for you. And you, type all people. You not correctly formulate, who else is concrete you and koe-.)

23.07.2004, 03:19
Actually not each person. Only banal, pogrjazshy in own serosti. Such can hate the neighbour if at them a fence wooden, and at soseda-derevjannee))) And mechanisms here are those, that nobody likes to feel the ushcherbnost (or an incompetence) which becomes more obvious in comparison. Here and all love))))

24.07.2004, 12:56
It is a question about human suchnosti! The Name to it or this ENVY!!! It is normal! Unfortunately: (