Просмотр полной версии : Misters, fans or amateurs to be pinned in conference the psychologist, especially well here and j...

18.07.2004, 22:01
Misters, fans or amateurs to be pinned in conference the psychologist, especially well here and jimmy. Psychology - a piece thin, complex or difficult and many-sided, a wrong word told or said at the wrong time the person can be wounded, crippled very strongly for all life or to kill (literally this word). You probably understand it. And not at all people mentality such steady, as at you. Budte more closely or attentively and more circumspectly, giving or allowing advice or councils to people who come with the questions and problems to conference the psychologist. Not always it is possible to joke. Words, type " time writes on this site, let will be ready to jokes and prikolam " a bad excuse and you in any way does not paint (as people). Budte are patient and indulgent to people. The person to the person vse-taki not the wolf, differently we would never be pulled out or never escape from the world of animals on higher level, the civilization could not exist.

20.07.2004, 05:49
"... Otherwise we would never be pulled out or never escape from the world of animals on higher level " and who has told or said, what YOU were pulled out or have escaped? I always thought, what is it was long evaljutsionnyj process and last "skochyok" was more 65 million years ago. The joke and a smile still lead up nobody to a loop or a knife, and nanavut the rights, those who has come here - more owing to boredom and pokrasovatsja, than iz-for seryoznogo states of affairs. With serious questions go in seryoznye places where you can take the doctor for eggs and force to be responsible for a mistake or an error if she has been admitted or allowed.

20.07.2004, 13:15
Jim, soglasis, chelovechestovo differs from all other kinds of animals (though the person himself is an animal) a little. And difference it became possible or probable (essesno during evolution - though it is a separate disputable subject) including owing to a collectivism (mutual aid, friendship, authority, etc.). Vse-taki one man is no man. Well and in occasion of " those who has come here - more owing to boredom and pokrasovatsja, than iz-for seryoznogo states of affairs " - are people, and not too it is not enough of them, which in communication or connection with the expressed shyness cannot tell to anybody anything, they are afraid to address to the doctor! The matter is that roasskazat about the problems to a computer (paper) it is easier, than to the alive person. Therefore they also write here. I do not call you to not joke at all. Then ooochen it would be sad. It is just necessary to filter - above whom it is possible prikolnutsja and above whom it or this to do or make it is not necessary. Jokes different happen.

21.07.2004, 15:19
Well, you give, already markets filter,) notice, the psychologist, that the person, prishedshy behind the help in 99 % starts to give itself advice or councils the same day. In what sense? That the situation is lost on itself, at that is painlessly, because proizoshlo-that not with me, there is an answer, say, at random intuitively, as though itself has acted or arrived, is compared to others, argued up to a hoarseness and mata, in sluchie necessities and moves further. Process of treatment has gone, because there is no easier or lighter;more mild way for overcoming prepjatsvy as working off of variants in the theory and even on an example (but chuzhyom). And for an example seryoznosti asked questions to you a question. You saw kogda-that the client has come to the surgeon and during expectation started to treat other clients, operating on them without everyone on that educations. Why everyone considers or counts itself(himself) the psychologist? Because if you are hurted with a tooth, I can advise - to rinse or gargle its or his sage. And if will not help or assist, becomes worse not. If at you a constipation, I can advise a clyster but if at you break of a vena cava or its or her occlusion, I shall not climb because I can damage or injure;hurt to you. Here and all song about love.... To psychology and seryoznosti "clients", gospodin-tovarishch-the barin brejd

22.07.2004, 06:23
To me here the guy came on reception of years to 14 15 him, with mum (I not the psychologist, I pediatr-the allergist) so he even cannot lift a head, all looks to itself under legs or foots, sutulitsja. From it or him pair words you will not extend. Nitshe reads! Friends at it or him are not present in general, he and does not want, that they were. Almost to anybody does not talk, communicates only with parents and the senior brother. Has come with complaints to dropping of hearing, visions, zalozhennost a nose. BUT niodin the expert at it or him has not found anything. e. Objectively - he is healthy. It is necessary to tell or say, that call it or him SHamil. He very much hesitates and takes offence, when at its or his school klichut basaevym, including and teachers. After hour conversation, I have directed it or him with these complaints to the psychotherapist. And so, present, that he with the problem has addressed in this conference (he to the doctor for what will not go), and to him on prikolu someone something there skazanul. He is on a threshold of an autism, in such situation he can become reserved in general. Or girls 13 16 years or summer, addressing with the problems, type " I ugly ", " I takaja-that ", " I sjakaja-that ", " have thrown me the guy " and t. The item They too to the doctor will not go, and a little such from windows walks, or veins cuts... It can occur or happen and from unsuccessful "advice or council". Yes, such in konfu popadat not too it is a lot of, but here prikoly above them can manage dearly or expensively. I not have all in view of successively.

Well here
23.07.2004, 13:18
Tired out or Driven loshadej-itself you know that. I not to that. Psychology of this konferentsii-bytovuha. The elementary inability to understand three pines, and sometimes and simple greed, a dependence such - here is i-is not present, why on a freebie and to not consult? The psychology epatazha-you is alien to you is young and have no experience. Yes, you are more senior than the patients, but have no experience of dialogue with adults. That your printed word was effective, it should be not nju-nju and not sju-sju, it should be such, that " if to throw in a window glass will be broken... " And differently it is simply unnecessary chernenkie flourishes. Collect a catamnesis at those who here obrashchalsja-you will see, I am right. Practically almost always. People should be liked in the limited quantity or amount, ostalnyh-within the limits of abstract... No more, than dogs or a flamingo. Pity will wound much more, than the sober weighed word.

24.07.2004, 09:54
Well here, all psychology is and is bytovuha in this or that kind. All psychology is an inability or unwillingness to understand three pines. People can not see simply an output or exit from a situation, though he at them before a nose. Yes, I communicated more with children, but, I think, that at adults such status not very much differs from children. Simply at them some other level, other problems. But the basic problem of a hopelessness one both at those and at others. All can be advised, but the main thing to not do much harm. Has put here not in nju-nju and sju-sju. Different approaches are necessary to various people. Komu-someone it is possible to tell or say something sharp, someone from sotojanija a stupor will deduce or remove good impact by a muzzle about asphalt, but to the person with unstable mentality such actions can break simply "roof", then it will be not known still that, glass can bronirovannoe appear, and the door from concussion can slam.... The catamnesis to look here is useless, people in konfu do not come back later, that with them became further - that is not known to a science, about it the science yet does not know.

24.07.2004, 12:17
Jimmy!, on most! Business! It is complex or difficult to disagree! With BreyD - all we different - NOT EVERYONE can even psychologically address to the doctor (section - "psychologist"), not speaking about that " to take the doctor for eggs "... When you are in a status frustratsii/the raised or increased vulnerability - you cannot stand up for sebja/to respond something to the offender or to address for the help to the real psychologist - it is necessary to open before the person, and you and so we shall wound... Such person comes on a site, with the request... It is necessary to joke very softly and - kind, understanding, that tongue cuts in many cases more painfully a knife. Especially when you have frankly shared a problem (sometimes - for the first time)..