Просмотр полной версии : Yes I do not argue, Majja!:) each person has a ideal of beauty. Before...

Victor pl
18.07.2004, 10:11
Yes I do not argue, Majja!:) each person has a ideal of beauty. First of all you should define or determine for yourselves " what he " an ideal and to what" you should aspire. Your ideal to be thick or thin? What it is pleasant to you more? To that also aspire:). But in fact conversation went about your husband? Emu-that like graceful!? If you like it or him aspire to improve under ITS or HIS ideal. But only in the event that to you it too will be pleasant and delivers pleasure. If you will do or make it only to please to him it is an empty invention which will soon bother you when the love poutihnet. NEVER it is impossible To please KOMU-for SOMEONE to sacrifice ITSELF! The victim never causes in whom or love and respect, but only contempt and pity.
And about magnificent forms of women of Rubens? Yes there is here no fashion! The fashion can be only on clothes, a hairdress and a make up! Forgive or excuse, but in bed there can be for the man no fashionable body! Only such what is pleasant to him! She thick or thin, high or small, curve or harmonous! And the man chooses from such variety only on the taste at all times not looking on the tendency and a fashion. Forgive or excuse, but reaction of a man's member does not depend on directions in a fashion, but only from the duplication incorporated inside of an instinct and a culture of behaviour which he has received with a blood of the parents.

19.07.2004, 13:46
Oh, Victor, on vkusy-that a fashion oh-as influences!
And bringing of in a victim was highly appreciated at all times: to take for example hotly liking person who will not regret the life for the sake of liked (liked) or heroes of war who itself closed wounded men from bullets!

20.07.2004, 19:18
shchrfb a fashion, in direct interpretation, is that wears (uses, approves...) the majority.

22.07.2004, 02:50
:))) the concept "shchrfb" from the last answer is not rugatelstvo, it " she, " typed or collected by latin letters on kirilitse. Sometimes me a cyclitis...,)

The anonym
23.07.2004, 09:20
Tyoska (me too call Majja). Why we women so fall and we allow to look at ourselves as on a thing. In fact except for an external tinsel should howl rich vnutreny the world. And when you live with the person many years any more you do not notice as he grows old. The beauty is not eternal. Also like not only beautiful. I know that for mine a all I am made peerly up or not, in a ball dress or in a dressing gown, we as relatives, at us much in common. He never gave me an occasion for jealousy.

23.07.2004, 15:28
And do not speak, Teska.
The person - an essence social, a fashion too sotsialna also it is impossible to exclude the given factor. A fashion - a part of an aesthetics, a part of concept of beauty, appeal. And a word appeal proizvodno from to involve (or on the contrary), including members