Просмотр полной версии : About! And I vareniki with a cherry did or made while you here about them spoke. And the sick-list in...

16.07.2004, 15:35
About! And I vareniki with a cherry did or made while you here about them spoke. And the sick-list has taken with zavtreshnego day, bejlis lays in a bar, spent on drink prodazhu-have not spent on drink or do not saw through, because 1.5 litres a bottle. So it is necessary to boil only waters on the sold tile and to throw varenikov. A herring, you go or for you the machine or car to send? And hucha we shall not invite, let from observes as we, repeating, vareniki with a cherry we eat also with a saliva flows round.

17.07.2004, 19:07
Thanks God... If I you shall see with current sljunjami both. .mne intestines on a wrong side vyvenutsja)

18.07.2004, 05:08
And I thought you such from a wrong side. It is possible to present what you there, if you such on the face.

18.07.2004, 12:43
predstovljaj. .esli it is borrowed or occupied any more than

Well here
18.07.2004, 17:56
Dzhimnik, to you vareniki is it is impossible.

19.07.2004, 19:32

21.07.2004, 05:01
Dzhimka, I am simple so posizhu-at me appetite is not present, and my portion can to this goat otdat-all kind business, can, the god will see, I will take pity also shall cease to cough. nehaj sweet will devour, can, podobreet it is a little. Because to grow wiser to him already late. And in general. .davaj any more we shall not be about itself govoirt.

21.07.2004, 11:19
Yours sljunki from varenikov, that a saliva epilepsika in peremeshku with a semen.

22.07.2004, 00:10
Dzhimmi, listen, it that - the new prescription - bejlis with varenikami. YOU of that - water them IT or HIM? Here et yes! It is necessary to try or taste, both that and another - is tasty or delicious, and together - what? A current, W, in target it is possible - for rul-that you will not sit down with such vkusnjatiny:)))
Listen, here a question new set - and what at you there on a flag such indecent is drawn, what it was necessary listikom to cover it???:)

Well here
23.07.2004, 14:19
Dzhimnik, well you bratan, on all head the wounded man!)))
Vareniki obviously it is not good for you. To die budesh-recollect my words!