Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! At me such problem has arisen: we are married with the wife 2 years prime...

18.07.2004, 13:26
Good afternoon! At me such problem has arisen: we are married with the wife 2 years approximately. I often want sex, and the wife seldom. That is, I about every day, and often not once, and she am good if in a week of times. To me 25, and her 20. As satiation vrjadli smells, because such that was much and often earlier, and has bothered - was not. She would like hardly is more often, but hardly earlier. She does not know itself why she would like a little. Simply as the fact. Advise please, that it is possible to think up. For I often feel unsatisfied, with all from here following consequences. In advance thanks

19.07.2004, 01:40
Ne vajno kollichestvo, a vajno KACHESTVO. Vi novernoe dymaete tolko kak sebya ydoletvorit i Vashi potrebnosti. Podymaite mennogo i o Vashei jene, kak mojno ee vozbydit i dostavit ei ydovolstvie.
Poverte esli vi ee ydoletvoryali bi, to y nee ne bilo prichin vas ne hotet. I polychaya ydovolstvie ot vas, ot vashego ponimaniya, nejnosti, terpeniya, to polychali bi VI vse eto v zamen. Ydachi Vam.

The anonym
20.07.2004, 14:53
And children at you are not present?

21.07.2004, 18:51
The woman up to the extremity or end has not woken up in the spouse, this business is reperable. All will be fast naooborot, ustanesh from its or her persistence and desire.

23.07.2004, 05:36
Oleg, I too "want" not so often as the husband. He would like a minimum on time every day, and I in some days have enough time. The husband simply does not suppose they be all of us peerly we are engaged every day. And I, understanding physiology of the husband, try to show the initiative itself. Sex to me is pleasant, and here right at the beginning of desire is not present sometimes. For weariness and other. I advise you to explain physiology of the man to her.