Просмотр полной версии : At me a problem in dialogue with people and with girls in particular. So poluchilos...

04.07.2004, 14:45
At me a problem in dialogue with people and with girls in particular. So it has turned out, that during from 11 17 years with me nobody was friends also I especially skem did not communicate and the more so did not walk anywhere (in the whole days sat at home and the good fellow listened komentarii parents that type ", sit at home, all people of the swine and traitors "). Now, when to me of 18 years and I have got a job and have entered the institute problems in dialogue with people have begun.
Many simply do not understand me, I irritate many, and I cannot talk to girls at all, t. To. They do not perceive me. To all this should add a heap of complexes, kotoryk aggravate a situation even more. I try to find to myself the girl on the Internet, but in services acquaintances all of them are written, that by them active, like the companies and t. The item, and such do not like me.
Voobshchem prompt as me to be - a problem for me it is very important.

04.07.2004, 19:56
GREETINGS!!! Alex, you has simply become reserved also parents to it or this have helped or assisted. Certainly shchas it will be complex or difficult to communicate with people, after such long time of isolation. To me it seems to you it is necessary to change itself... You govorish, that to you not nravjatsja active girls, and you dumaesh somebody nravjatsja passive boys. .ty dumaesh interestingly and cheerfully stakimi..?? Certainly to us it is more interesting with the guy, with a cat. Always cheerfully and time passes or takes place interestingly and nasyshchenl... Instead of tak-send or have come, have sat, chyoto there pobormatali on idene... And so each time... It will bother. IN FACT people like dr dr, t. To. This person is interesting to them, it is interesting to them snim, he cheerful..... .oni go together where libo-to cinema in theatres idr., but also the companies do not exclude..... To chat with friends, to spend with them well time, unless it not klyovo!? To be always a current together and to not have a good time in any way... It will bother!! The life should be various. You should to try communicate with ljudmi, but thus to not deny their interests, t. To. They when see, that you not razdeljaesh their interests, they at once think, that you boring, nichyo it is not necessary to you, with you it is not interesting. And you try to descend or go kuda-nibud with the company, show, that you are not worse and umeesh to have a good time... Can to you and most it is pleasant, it you are simple shchas dumaesh, that all is delirium, itself yet not having tested it... Than the person more interestingly and more activly, to it or him;them people is more to last. TRY, I think all at you it will turn out!!!!! Success:)

05.07.2004, 08:05
In my opinion interesnost the person it is defined or determined not only its or his desire to rotate in the noisy company and skill tusovatsja. Set of the most interesting people, do not like hum, parties, etc. And here skill to cooperate with ljudmi-is important also to it or this it is necessary to learn. Can it is necessary to resemble to the psychologist or to visit or attend any training on development of communicative skills. Success.

05.07.2004, 19:19
And you try to place the questionnaire itself. Not such active workers are necessary to all little girls!

09.07.2004, 15:45
So in tom-that and a problem, that having come to the company I not always can correctly lead myself in this or that situation. I can tell or say, something not in a subject and often I can not keep up the conversation. Friends speak, that me " winds here and there ", t. e. I cannot be defined or determined on any style of behaviour, I can not express the true opinion on any question and t. The item As a result of all it or this at me arises depression that affects all my actions.
As to girls: As a result of all my unsuccessful attempts though kak-that to improve itself by way of dialogue and attempts to meet girls, I and have come to conclusion, that it is necessary to search for the girl with the same problems as well as at me - together it will be possible to solve them more quickly. Though it and an incorrect way, but is similar anything else me does not remain...

And in general as it is possible razviti the communicative skills? What trainings or courses for this purpose is?

12.07.2004, 22:27
You should express only the opinion what it would not be, let even ridiculous for kogoto, but it YOURS!!! And on the bill devushki-I do not think, that if she will be takajazhe as you you vydejte from this position, kadetsja it is better to me to search for the opposite person, a cat. Will want to you pomoch. And that if the girl will be closed too you together will become isolated in the mirochke, that can to you there and it will be good, but it seems to me to good will not result or bring... And is better enter the name to the psychologist... He should you pomoch, potomuchno at all of us here very different opinions, t. To all people different..

15.07.2004, 17:43
The major aspect: you want dialogue or not? Why you do not like active girls: because there was any complex of type " I inactive - I am am offended active - so they to me enemies "??? I understand your problem, I am ready with you on this subject to talk. The information has not enough, if you want, leave the soap, I shall try to help or assist. For the same not communicative girl to search to you I do not advise, will solve together such problems twice more difficultly - too many stirring or preventing factors (shyness, ch-in faults, shame, zazhatost) + still classical love affairs - - such admixture will turn out, that will not envy. But the help is necessary to you, so if there is no at you a good adviser, buy or purchase to itself a little knizhechek Century Levi, even with it or this begin. Also understand, Alex, NOT in girls your problem, a problem in dialogue as a whole, girls here there is nothing. The best way to learn to play on a flute is to play on a flute. LEAVE in people, walk in these companies, speak that you want, be mistaken, operate or work, joke, get acquainted and quarrel, dared or laugh, fight, like, hate. You understand it? It is a unique output or exit, any psychologist to you will confirm it, I respond, I through it have passed or have taken place. Remember: the main thing to start to live on a maximum if you certainly really wish to live in a society. Success and the God to you in the help.

The anonym
19.07.2004, 05:30
Active girls do not like me because in difference from not active, they me never understood also the most part iz-them does not suppose me in the circle of dialogue. To walk in komanijah, it is necessary that to me it is most it was interesting, that I was not there as the eremite that I was an interconvertible member of this kompaniiju, differently it simply loses sense. Now having come to the company, I or appear in the center of attention iz-for "dullness" or the eremite to whom very few people pays attention.

longint: If you can kak-to help or assist that - here my soap amncorp@bk. ru

22.07.2004, 21:31
The previous report - mine.